I have hanging on the side of my bath
lots of what I call sea strings.
I have recently lost 11 pounds weight
through weight watchers
Looking fat on a photo
I put together using Photoshop
from a trip to Barcelona with my daughter

I decided to loose weight
Cameron had lost stones
using weight watchers.
I had also been dizzy when walking
in the heat of Barcelona on sustained inclines .
I mentioned I was dieting & walking
to Fabienne to whom
I teach a little drawing.

When I spoke of going around
the Marine Lake twice each day
she offered an alternative root
across Cubbins Green towards
Thurstaston alkong the beach
back up some steps along Wirral Way
up Mellon croft and back down Caldy Road.
The adventure of walking on sand rocks
and pebbles brought me into contact
with these strings.
They appear to be fibres like hair
to which shells have attached themselves
and into which the sea has rolls felt
or paper connecting and weaving sea weed
and any loose strands it could rolls in the surf
presumably on the
draining board of the beach
where I have met with them.
Recently on the piano Barbara my tutor has
been showing me how Peter her friend
adds a lower bass note from a chord
associated to the melody from using the right hand thumb
whilst selecting notes from the chord in the left hand.
Chords strings associated rhythm riffing.
Whilst doing the sound system on Sunday in Church
Danny was playing in harmony with a girl singer
when Brian joined in and so I had to find which
line his guitar was in and also his microphone .
Whilst Danny packed his guitar away and the girl singer also
left Brian's thread of song replaced the earlier two chord strand mix
I went to see Dylan the next night
and it was fabulous to see what his surf had
'gathered from coincidence' through Grace.
He gripped tightly now to lyrics he had written over half a century
or more and whilst the new band and new arrangement of
riffs and tide rolled in to the M.E.N arena.
It was awe inspiring and encouraging that
new life could be poured into these words
without the predictably crass allegiance to and earlier
liturgical hymn/recordings.
I did not go there to listen to an old record
and he had not set out to deliver one.

The harmonica bite was a clear and
well washed strand of pearls.
My friend Tony at church had kindly mentioned
on Sunday that he missed my own harmonica playing
What is great is that you hear the sound you blow
into the mike come out at the other end of the church
so long as the fold back doesn't override it.
I bet Dylan could hear himself as we could 'out there'
on the water
The next night it was Kappa at the Wro
and having seen my photographer friend
and suggested we both go and record the event visually
it was great to be a sea of splashes and scribbles
to the rhythm of the musical waves
Laura Ed's daughter went up and mixed with
the genius of the regular drummer and bass player
and like bobbling threads Paul invited drumming on his guitar
passed his guitar to the drummer had Laura drum on guitar
whilst changing the chord shapes the bassist turned
drummer Paul became bassist and so the invitation
of the truth goes marching on Glory Glory Halleleujah
that followed the tuning at the beginning was met
with blessings
And it was great to see Paul outside the Wro
looking in over my shoulder as the router picked
up the drawing his guitar hand was making
on our ears inside through the router and speakers
of the elctro connected waves-'lecky' as Paul would say
though usually preserved for the solid body guitar
this was an acoustic set with amplification really.
I will go and see whether I have to paddle the
coast and leave the strings unattached beside the sea
I have dry ones in the car I used to teach drawing with yesterday Wed
and those draining one on the shore of my bath tub.