So then to make a commitment and revise some goals and hopes and sustainings.
first i will look to the word of God I opened the Gideon's bible and chose to paddle in via Mathew after the genealogy to the virgin birth and Joseph's initial thoughts of divorce and browsed gently the magi.then my eyes alighted upon Alan Mackie's Book of Hope pages i had removed to bring with me.They are from a book by Billy Graham he had been given as a gift.he had these placed; this book and other's, on the table at church when downsizing to move into the flat.
psalm 45.6 is quoted
a scepter of righteousness
of your kingdom
The King of Kings
from birth he was recognised
Herod realized there was not room for 2 thrones
is enemies :
'no one ever spoke like this man!'( john7.46)
'my Lord and my God!' says 'doubting ' Thomas
and then i turn to today and the word
'catch the little foxes that spoil the vine'
perfection is no trifle says Michelangelo
when his friend could see no change in the marble after hours away
he pointed to the little nuances of muscle tone and softenings
We are asked how many marriages broke down because we failed
to attend to the little things that spoil the grapes...athletes lost competitions
through similar lack of muscle tone
the big picture yes
the bringing into focus also though
only when i am faithful in the small things will God bless me with the greater things
little foxes like resentments,habits,dishonesty...Nip them in the bud!'think better thoughts
do better actions,rehearse better ways deal with them and watch life change.amen
Prayers then for a gratitude of heart an entrusting to God a letting go and a believing
lord i pray over the geek squad and insurance money as the shp says see the bank and the bank say see the shop and three friends say its too much and yet it spoils my joy and so i pray that it would not and that whilst proactive my purpose is to find quality expression not perfect control but your blessing for you say' my burden is light'...
goals whilst here to spend time with my mentors Doctor Franck,Julia Cameron,Ronald Searle John Mayall
a writer and artist who saw and drew a writer and film maker who morning pages and artist's dates.a man who made compositions of highlighted memories to cook with the ingredient's oof his eyes and location to cook a npancake of representative flavours sweetened and seasoned by his own intentional humour and joy and a blues musician who turned diary entries into short vignettes of life drama with positive attitude and psalmist honesty
downstairs the pisture rail and upper panel of the room are painted white and the paint spills into a neat yet sumbled edge in readiness for the next layer of colour to wave from floor to picture rail.Whilst chandeliers have the candellabra feel they are more modern small lamps but appropriate to the room
The usual bowls of various creals and hot milk coffee sachets etc with jugs of juice.
Polite waiters work to script and tea is served and so is toast and a few varities of boiled and fired breakfasts. A couple of large bottomed ladies add the the levels in the room as they float like boats on a dado rail sea level to get their cereals.three hairstyles one nervous English fringe like a large eye brow hangd tufty spring like over the points at the top outside corners of her spectacle she is shy unable to hide and almost curtsey's to the door to get through unnoticed.the american lady hasn't got the surrrealistic paisley that searl might have given her,but the pattern more subdued is a small sea that fails to hide the stern of the bid black bum bum.a more tempered three layers of englishness has bacl slacks with a little pink of calf beneathe a shirt/dress of open black housecoat and black tee shirt with two rows of perals with no sag though her neck is not fat her hair is coloured red and is that simple silk pair of cuves cut at the in facing wave to hold he head onto her neck like a ball joint...the american ladya ll one bowl of mousy invisibility.
the streets that took me to my trafalgar are a diagon alley taking me diagonally to my acute reflex past the right shoulder of penn club bright cheery face the windows are creatively christmas one has 6 or so over two windows american post boxes on posts with their fronts open on a couple into fun crhsitmas world or are one together with birds and the pub fronts are like ornate carvings painted a hundred times so as to become rooted and gnarle in their rich forst of ornateness drawing people into an imaginary world of ale n merriment and bawdy wneches ---or that is what the whisper in my eyes seek if i were honest brave and could imgine finding a sincere bride in there somewhere but no empty as an unused church is this hope except i have faith that somewhere in this eccelisates emptiness god awaits me to speak to his little boy and make a happy little artist of him one day the day the blessed holy day amen
that may be the whole of what i am able to say woke up tired and long to find a way in to the drawings i desire to see arise form simply being here with my heart and my god and dostoyevsky.\back to the traflage square dream world then ....\mrylebone station is needed on sunday how to get there?