To get back into writing as a habit for my creative /expressive needs and to prepare to resume my children's writing course.
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
i return to write down the gentle art of accepting
First thing I need then to recall and remember
Is that I belong to myself and my God
And I am loved here
where I am and
that I matter
And accept there's a pathway I've trod
Sitting here in a room full of wonder
Though an inner critic a cynic might say
That it looks to untidy and somewhat confusing
yet its is fused in its own special way
yes this nest where my body's been moving
has been spilled thrilled and tide spilling born
Just occured toi me now
there's a word most interesting
'Tidily'.....tidies up
Must mean when we put up shelves
and compartmentalize so many bits of our selves
We are the tide itself and all of our flotsam and jetsam
Are being tossed by the energetic waves
that spill out of our turmoil
and current and flow of God's wealth
mmmm some talk of bucket lists
and those unwritten goals
that we may yet turn into our
life's shopping list
a house
a husband or wife
and our children
a car
top selling book
lovely meal
or various identities
into which we might fit
I have been
graduate student husband
various kinds of a artist
a muralist
sculptor of clay
in screen
etching plate
wood engraver
lino cutter
and mono printer
portrait landscape portrait
acrylics on
and watercolours
painted on wood cloth and paper
oils on panel
mural in emulsions
chef baker
baker and salt dough maker
a life of bucket lists and collages
and pulped and layered paper mache
I've been a friend
and myself been befriended
life goes on or it doesn't it stops
sometimes we have lots of pennies
and sometimes we pause
before we set off to the shops
there are consequences from every decision
and we all dream of meeting someone
who can take all the hurts and
make all of life's fears go away
I believe we watch films read books
and magazines and we all study each other
to both
conform and be different
sometimes we feel better being
accepted and yet sometimes
the 'norm' suggest we must
nevertheless be completely unique in some way
the dance of the ying yanging tide
like tsunami spills out ideas to such children as I
Of course we all need some tender applause
and seek caring company
without which just look
you'll find tears there
in everyone's eyes
I own nothing
the tide spills around me
I accept that this room looks to some then a mess
I accept I am fool and both genius
and still but a child
that a lovely young girl
recently gave such hope
and such tender caress
I accept i wioll find this to do
maybe but maybe not tidy
should the tide in me choose
to spill into boxes
and lists and alphabetically coded library versions
of all of those worn out
and tried on layers of meaningful
selves I have tried out
find comfort in
gratefully worn
when I go out with no real intention of drawing
i see something so very beautiful
in the fragmented tatty selves of
the old and the young
whose waves
both inside and outside of
have tossed them
th drawings I make
say look at you I'm so glad
you were born
not just then as old/young /gifted
Jimmy's life models
but that the pencils
pens itch
in these fine hands of my caress
are both God's
crucified loving father's
tender tear scooping
hands at life's fountain
do I accept you as kind gfst
o yes i do
ever so yes
do i love the girl who has come and understood me
do I care how things will be for her
I do
must i live my life alone and so so sad here without her
you are all out there sotling with all
life's tidal sweeps
and interventions
only the right wind
and tiller within you
will ensure God brings me
and you to me
i feel the fabric of you flotsam jetsam n fine fallen petals
make one flower angel
and canvas
watercolour sky
head us both to a future of mutual caring
where er you are
i feel already
married to you
I accept
we'll get tired
be conformed to lifes
I accept we'll often be left with
trinkets n twigs n petal
few bunches of flowers at all
but on those few wondrous
we'll sit down
for meals
we'll picnic
in storms
for we are rich
in ways none may not see
as we walk on life's shore
and until God herself gets lonely
and wants to draw both of us
with those crucified fingers
that tenderly seek to restore
the petals back to her tenderest rose
we will fell the pieces
of flotsam and jetsam
draw God's tears in everyone's faces
they are our tears
though on other cheeks
we see as mirrors
traced by petals n pencils
n soft water colours
on to the tender
retinas n hearts
of a movie
Saturday, 13 May 2017
everyone matters
its important to let everyone matters
even those that do hurt us do too
jesus said
forgive them
for they know not what they do
if you yourself were not a small piece of sacrament bread
from the one bread
were not a grape from the vine
become water and wine
then how would your value be salty
andunderstand this sad song?
You matter and so do the ones that have hurt you
they did not know just what they do
Nothing is going to be wasted that God
tenderly nurtured corrected
and put back the one pathway through the garden
put down the 'horror scope' '
for they are fiction
and do NOT never could
or have seal(ed) your fate
that's twixt you and a generous artist sculptor animator
scientist genius both male /female/totally 'other' author
not limited by man's manipulative schemes
FORGIVENESS so vast tis an ocean
yet one need not return for more hurt
and you won't make the same mistakes
twice if you look heavenward and take on
much more compassionate values like that
of forgive n forget n move forward
learning to trust in the LORD LADY author
of everyone's hearts not just their's
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
I love the word 'whilst'
and how it invites
represents and gentle
the world's fabulous
mais ouis
of course
multi tasking
for we all
breathe n dream as we sleep
eat smile gaze as we eat
drive using one hand
for the wheel
two feet
for the speed
as our eyes scan the road
the mirror and reflect
all the time
on the long journeys
all of the time
so bonjour
tout le monde
good mnorning
to all of the world
'whilst I have been
typing this I have bee
and my feet touching the rag rug
and my ears hear the milk float go bye
whilst youv'e been reading this rhyme
you have been feeling its beat
whilst your heart beating so then has mine
so how sweet and how neat
whilst wearing your pants
n licking your lips
taste the world's salt
beneath all our house
and clothes
all the adams n eveses
still naked neath fig leaves
and sharing the simultaneous sap oozing up through
God's weel ropoted vine
and I will say it again
go read you psalm one
plant yoiurself where ther water still turns
streams into wine
and the feats of the marriages of heart
soul body earth water and
creatio ex nihilo
will show you
there's is no such thing as
tis living soil growing nurturing
whilst offereing sand neath our feet
whilst our toes seek to meet
halelujah for whiling away whils
t the birds bees n sea tide are
breathing in shared air
whilst bathwater runs
to wash all of those bottoms boobs tums
of babes dads n mums
whilst stiff upper lipped politicians
seek maintain status quo
and decorum
well all i can say
come back to reality
and a gentler humanity
cehz mois au chez vous
that is to say
your place or mine
neither really for whilst
thinking like this it is
our author's page pen and of course so
is the law's real rhythms n rhymes
transcend so much stuff
tis all leaves n petals to play with
we must find a warm river
and flow there together
whilst our clothes
sort of jumble together
like a collage with daisies n socks
and joggled off shoes
whilst whilst whilst is a gentle whispy breath
as the fibres mutually caress
the world gets back to Eden
to gardens n gifts
whilst not knowing so much
oft not feeling the touch of shrill wondrous electricity
buzzing n fragrantly seeping n oozing synapses tongues words n flutter by humming birds of paradise
we are fantastic
yet extra ordinary
whilst well
you get the gist
please continue on through you day
eat it for breakfast
for all is neither then yours
nor then is it mine
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