Monday, 4 July 2011

morning pages open systems and the River man

My understanding of Julia Cameron's Artist Way Brief is

outpouring stream of consciousness automatic writing
 uninhibited free associative Jack Kerouac on the road
beat zen autobiographical flow is invited to fell
and understanding LETTING the thoughts just pour
will get the creative childlike mind simply be and feel more alive.
This first strategy enable us to look at the collection of stuff
select from it and be encouraged by its abundance.
Just write three pages a day she has suggested -thanks its a good invite
and HOLY for it is a gratitude prayer and a reviewing of the
 life and assets one has.Sure it is cluttered and so she says don't re reread.

The next strategy to this WAY is to have an ARTIST's DATE.
to go off somewhere and surprise yourself-not retail therapy
but simply with your senses and ability to move about go out with yourself.

Given the two you are escaping the closed system of RUT which liken to
an old single record will keep you going round in neurotic circles
whilst the eccentric tangent of orbiting out will invite fresh life giving experience and
oxygen in.My understanding is the the old fight or flight reflex enabled us to burn of the sludge of
adrenalin lymph system canals of the body to drain away anxiety in its physical manifestation
but our office and one way receiving of information meant we felt trapped
claustrophobic lost and alone in a modern cave.No wonder the mutual mud and music bath of G;lastonbury seems so attractive even if as I suspect the size is now providing over choice
of performances and a lonely crowd of faces.

Nevertheless  MONING PAGE  writing offers us our desk top bin to fill and
'do we really want to empty it ?'  YES Jesus said to lose it would be gain.
And the artists date Having let go the abundance Jesus offers based on trust
means you can now drink in the WATER from the River Man God Jesus
to offers you something that will last.

So then I have five jobs in
Two are short portraits of life ,Two gentlemen a teacher who is retiring and
an ex navy man.I am to create small water colours from items associated
 and meaningful to each one and pull them together into a flowing song
 on the eye of line and lyrical melody.
The aim they will identify and enjoy the portrait
it invites them to review for retirement and birthday
rather like St Ignacious of Loyola's method of praying
and NO there will be no clairoyance
Making sense is more interesting and does
 not have the pretense of being God

unlimited trustworthy and true
beyond understanding
which is the closed system of
'resting on our own understanding'
(however big the individual ,the  group, or this  ego)
the next job is a portrait of a church in readiness for a wedding gift
Not trusting one photo I need to look from as many
 angles and associative feelings as I can
to give value for money and to gestalt together
something warmer than a single snap.
The next job is to create a further
ten characters for use in a company based brief .
The use the layered pdf file of photoshop
 to make the images easier to manipulate and publish
Meanwhile I have agreed to be in a tent at a school fair
working on Le Jog picture that includes school celebs
and associative conducting of watercolour and ink into
what I think of as a cross between a Tony Buzan mind map and
a pop album sleeve.

In a moment I will sit with diary/notebook ,book called Hope for each day
Daily Bread ,Word for today URC prayer journal,Barnabus prayer journal
a minimalist Inspriring Prayer book and be Christian.
Closed system ? No I choose to walk with the Holy Spirit
and in the company not of like minds but those who have found clean water to drink.

I am avoiding hocuc pocus smorgasbord  over choice when it come to spiritual things
like alcohol it is disorientating.The content of the material of the Christian literature
as with the Bible is one of fresh daily incite with several authors with spirit led hearts.
The journals are challenging and Bible based.

Just now sparrows are making their sharp sounds ch sch  the sounds are neither
 ch nor sh but are insistent  and even the car engine sounds roll gently like prams

So in preparation for the day this has been spontaneous morning page
 thoughts on a Monday of a working week.The high lights of the week
the punctuation funeral tomorrow with good hearts friendly face and fond memories
and aspiration for a heavenly hopefulness.The book of hope was something Allan
left in church with other things when moving house.
Well he is doing that again and leaving much HOPE
in his gentle wake
and friendly

Last weeks acheivements a visit from my daughter millet pie
trompe l'oeil ,Completing mural at Linghams Heswall
visit to doctor re tendonitus .Playing bass with Graham and Alan
New piano work chatting to friends and these pages began.

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