Monday, 21 November 2011

Being hoping praying staying alive.

When all else seems to fail just keep going. Go on feeling loved believing you are relevant knowing you are here.
Joanne Harris's book The Artist's Way suggests just keep writing even when you do not know what to write.
Loving my neighbor as myself and least of one of these and Emmanuel God amongst us.

What to say? Am I praying or just keeping going.Whilst yet I live in whatever sate Joanne Harris is right  just keep writing.So sustaining is the key to what- success?Well that is a tricky one in the light of this expression:

Success suggests God's love no more than struggle suggests a lack of it.

Change is happening.NAPA was once a brand new idea in the mind of a friend .It was to be sustained and has been.It was a creatinve use of plastic paint,which like words would and at times did create possibilities.Ken Hodgson and I met on a very interesting yet short live course run by the Open University
The course was called TAD292 I think .I remember we called ourselves Tadpoles-those of us attending a summer school in Brighton.Felt like the  'born again' invitation of Jesus.Abundance was what Jesus said of life.
Fully alive and hopeful and creative noticing many ways of being -not hedonism just child like joy in form sound and image playful creative rethinking being.Art as hopefulness-Paul Klee ,Chagall ,Bob Dylan and Dyson .Did you know that John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath ,Woody Guthrie's Dust bowl blues and the Vacuum cleaner are all the result of the dust clouds being observed and devastation being given a spin?

Any way no time to explain and I am listening to seagulls in a cold November morning dark sky at 7.40
typing as a thing to do just like practicing piano or walking.Keep going .Let sense make itself as it is wont to do eventually retrospectively as Joni Mitchell said 'you don't know what you've got till its gone'.

'Something is happening here and you don't know what it is -do you Mr.Jones' says Dylan and so these are the phrases and ideas informing my walk as I reflect on Ken's National Acrylic Painter's Association.Associative free associativeness .Plastic paint that like words can say anything .Ken was 'art trained' perhaps enough to know that dad was eventually accepted and the emperor's new clothes seen as a revelation of the truth behind the pomp.Those who said he wasn't art trained lay in the wings.Having created nothing themselves they needed him to give it to them to train into something boring limited in scale and only inclusive if the product complied with their authorititive interpretation of aesthetics that involved  purpose and many othe 'holy' essentials of their golden 'section'-ing

Ken I won't be there at the final NAPA showdown.
Thank you for the amazing time I had with so many wonderful people.
I have little to offer at present and NAPA
is no longer useful as I cannot do the little picturess they want,

Now that you are free of it satrt to adventure and become free
I suggest SARKS new creative companion
a bit like TAD292.

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