Tuesday, 27 December 2011


Hope filled faith- fueled deliberately persistent.Imaginative constructive connective curious hungry loving passionate involved.Oh I am writing list of words rooting for the list of goals to sustain relationships with the adventure of my God given being.Let us not sulk. A seemingly nice guy double bass playing jazz man
offered me a raffle ticket .This enhances the taking of the band.I wanted to be both apart and a part.

I declined.He then said I know you don't want one but I did not want you to sulk.When we do not flow with the crowd.When I am trusting in an invisibility that lets me draw,yet others interpretations of my mask.Tired
lonely, sad, uninvolved.Yet my quietude may  contain these .Fight I must against misjudgement of their judgement .We are all trying to read a variety of silences and learned yet invisible rules blocks in ourselves and in others.
Above image Amy and I are in Christmas but at a place of change.Each Christmas and summer my daughter and I have been enjoying our holidays together.Anyway here she is going not to mine with me but off to a friends whilst I adventure into Nottingham .She was here as a student for a few months.below are doodles of Isobel made at Rob's.

Amy and I had a short sharing on the mural in Izzy's room.i invited her and Rob and Susie to form flowers petals with their finger tips to print white flowers and yellow ones on the wall.Rob and Susie had talked about how to put their favourite childrens books on the wall.
Rob had the idea of my breaking through the frame of the image with text related to the books.

The cat fluffy had a very mog like quality. Amy asked me if I thought cats remembered people. Anthropo-morphism  is a faith challenging word.I believe in a loving God.Knowing I am not my own author.It is tricky to answer.I went to midnight mass just as Susie and Rob put carrot sherry and mince pie for Santa and the local vicar invited us all to a chocolate communion.I believe that the early payment of a tax bill,the Christmas hamper came not so much from the generosity of friends nor the extraordinary sale of last minute picture Christmas present decisions as the provision of God for my fool to get to Nottingham and the hope he has placed in my heart.The cat remembers your kindness and I love you and miss you.O course .Just as God has remembered us all and our need to be together.
Below then is Izzy who struggles to sleep or is it that she longs to stay awake?She is learning to hold onto the transitional object the blanky which is a friendly face on a soft piece of cloth.Whilst above my love is sharing tea and enjoying the hearth of warm fluffy cat soft as soft can be fur.
I loved the prezzy Aims gave Izz .It was a soft knuckle cord effalump by Jelly Cat.And I have noticed that Bob like I leaves these labels on.'So pretty they' are as yoda in Star wars might say.Forever young .Remember the giver and the gift.

One of the data capture objects is this notebook .My friend ed pointed out so they now back books in wallpaper just like they used to get us to do in school.I have drawn Amy's gift in the forest of leaves
yet another drawing on the lengthy roll of life's unfolding wall.
In the Waterstone's bookshop cafe I enjoyed inventing a slightly older Izzy. She is now a child detective.I phoned Amy fronm the tardis bookshop with its 4 floors and its continuous unfolding rooms of endless curiosity and joy.

From the bookshelves at Rob and Susie's the story unfolds of Rob as anaesthetist.A teddy bear dressed in theatre mask and apron is adorned with stethoscope hat and various hospital passes.In this collage is another corduroy toy a dinosaur,my scribble of fluffy for the Izzy books and a jelly cat and Wiinie Izzy and the G R O W of the grow model.

below I have made my doodle transparent and placed it over the grey silhouette it brought into being.Out of register loose a comparison and a revelation of truth.

A mirror is an illusion our images projected by light onto silvered glass for us to mutually puzzle over like a book a page a telly a framed intentionality a realised goal goal posts -suchness of being pondering how to raise a smile or amuse.

Rob and I watched Hugh Fearnley Whittenstall harvesting japanese heart nuts with a spring opening wire ball

The first drawing of an imaginary children's book character.My way of commencing my number 8 writing assignment.IZZY POP
These buildings are not the view from Waterstones cafe but give the sense of being on the somethingth floor

In the stories I will be the friendly grand dad life coach encouraging and listening to her theories.Though she tells them to fluffy first of course he is part of her sleuthing like  is it Calvin's tiger.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Calvin_and_Hobbes_Original.png
icromovements are like Poirrot's little grey cells of the psychology
And like us all eventually having done my morning pages it is time to sleep walk and enjoy some cereals.

Levels of awakenesss

there are so many levels of awakeness
there is good reason to write first thing in the morning
you wake up with a head full of synaptic solutions
not conclusions
they are dams to your rivers of thought
and like the snake in eden
they dam us to the listening intelligence of our hearts

Morning Pages
just write just right

Do not underestimate Sheldon in
the Big Bang
but do watch as the script writer through his colleagues
expose his overestimation of his controlling self

These two room soaps
Red dwarf
Big Bang
Young ones

invariably have a kitchen
and an apartment

shared mind spaces
for wakening up the internal dialogue of mutuality

when I woke or was at some level of my awakening this morning
i thought of the variety of gismos(give us more)
that I have been doodling on lately these 'morning pages'
not all have been uploaded and shared
mainly because of the mechanical incompatiblity
yet the one river of the me
has been flowing them poui
ring them seiving and striving and melting them out of me

at present beside having unplugged the gift of Rob's netbook that was charging
the little robotic head of the cheap halogen heater oscillates like a star wars character
whilst plugged into the cable and sockets is the 4 rechargeable battery charger
I need to download the images from my camera
whilst the usb that has on it the mini cheap netbook that only thinks in deskpad
and a short film that Rob made of our mural for izzy pop
and notebooks full of drawings and scribble are in the room
 to be photographed for inclusion to illustrate alongside the photographs
all that had been going on

first thing in the morning I am missing the cries of Izzy and the
cajoling kindness of Bob and Susie gentle parent selves

first thin in the same un-got-up-yet morning I am noticing
how when Rob was working on the Star wars
 lego he drew us in to help him
much gentler wimpers than the audible emitter of Izzy
first I used his plastic lunchboxes to
compartmentalise and categorise colour and size into light grey dark grey red
white of various sizes and unique plus plus object d'art
so that he could assemble from a more giving pallette
Susie would search for the next day from a chaos similar
and I sand the sinews of the wings of a space creature to
 have them behave more closely to the ikea like diagram
and home building goes on in miniature
nest contents matter
how to free them to flow whilst making sensual
sensory sense of them Dawkins by the loo - I approve
a chocloate communion of an underatanding comanion vicar at St.Peter's church -I approve

Bobster compartmentalising and respecting the body
 of the bird Turkey breast legs two kinds of stuffing
his surgery informed by a thorough range of surgeon chefs Bluementhal
Oliver Hugh and Deliah to name a few
Jamies Christmas is being revised on telly whilst dvd of same nestles and nudges
story books  dvds cuddly toys in the guest bedroom

There are different levels of awakeneness
Ned home from hospital and harrowing experiences with saxophone authority
kindeness and chemicals greets me with warm pizza as I make my way to John 's
who offers wifi and insight and tea -the one stop is closed sleeping early as tis boxing day
and we pray together after blogging answered prayers into each others downloading our long Christmas dream.He shows me his daughter and grandson's thoughtfullness
ski pants that when he uses the mobility scooter will keep his legs dry and if it snows keep the draft to a limited access of one foot
Tom had a pad that heats up when you snap a
James bond like thread in it golfers use one

I tell John of the idea I have for Izzy the detective
a handbag that looks transparent
or looks full of programmable contents on an internal membrane that
has a sort of relief sculpure 3d illusion like a hollogram whilst hiding a camera that is facing out wifi like

so then different levels of awakeness
on one level I draw in books and doodle my note
on another I type into a wordpad and usb it into a complex text
on another I directly type in my morning pages through broadband on telephone wire
on another I facebook and email with a wifi net book at my sons
thus having three ways to 'data capture' in a cafe my fleetingideas in response of the writing course I long to resume
and of course there are the photographs and the photographs of doodles to filter remember and figure back in
whilst studying Andrew Matthews Julia Cameron and wrting course ideas and seeking to diet on fruit and leaf fruit veg more than root or carcass or too much bread/cheese/chocolate/cream/baileys the main joys of family

 feast at Christmas

there are many levels of awakeness and many joys and gratitudes to this apparently hedonistic abundance yet
tis God's will to forgive encourage and prepare us for such a feast with grateful sharing caring hearts for all.

Lord help us to sleep sympathise wake up share care heal each other Amen
white meat dark meat deconstruction of the organic living body

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Oh God

O my dear God i know how small i am amen


when  a person child anyone is tired
are they able to do anything about it?
My grand daughter perhaps cannot get to sleep
not 'just like that'anyway

I can hear her crying I have experienced her going to sleep
when we go for a walk she falls asleep .it is the action of
the going about and the rhythm of movement

anyway she is crying and sounds distressed and
this of course in turn makes mum and dad feel
upset tired frustrated how can they help her
rocking soothing gently bouncing yet there is a transition needed
they feel and are right to believe that somehow not picking her up is the thing

need /she needs to discover how to simply do it by herself
how when you/ we are/ were too young to understand

i am yet to hear a louder sound coming from a smaller emitter
Rob just said.Now the cat is crying for attention and the concert
of cradle rocking and baby crying resumes
to morrow I will reverse the directions

I am tired i believe in god i tell you that
because you need to know and i do too
the cat is crying everyone thing body living creature needs comforting
I do

going home tomorrrow
leaving my son his fiance and my grand daughter to carry on growing
learning to sleep by them selves like i must

a good Christmas family day wonderful food
brush me teeth enjoy this last night thank you god amen

persistent self expression is important
that is what morning pages stream of consciousness the unediitng of out being is all about
rich in the truth of our own lives is god#s heavenly blessing if inclusiveness
important to simply be be be be bebebebebebebebeb BE

In my right ear there is the kings speeech film plaaying
looking forward to brushing my teeth

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


i am reclinging comfortably on my son's sofa
sandwiched in a duvet with the wifi netbook
on my knee that I had hoped for a year or so ago.

Amy  my daughter is bed upstairs.We exchanged
our gifts and had a mini Christmas.having accepted
my son's invite to stay till Sunday,has meant she will go on
but neither of us will share Chester nor West kirby.

yesterday whilst walking the pram through the park
we spoke of goals,grow model and I found my asset
based thinking looking at relationships between goals and skills,
Hungry eyes,menus as plot plans Fearnley Wittinstall as a
 writer as well as chef,

I am wanting to write and looking at the assets needed
 for it people plot pans paces.I have started reading one of Rob's books
Storm front by Jim Butcher.It is about a wizard detective.

A thought occurred that in seeking to Life Coach people
there is the visualisation available for me to write about a fictional LIfe Coach
who a bit like a wizard  detective has cases where the gaols of another are facilatated by the
encouragement of a positivity spin doctor drawing people onward and upward away form counslling and the neuorsis of habits like self deprecation into affirmative micromovements of hope and change and joy and seeds of ideas watering  http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=706191978

Monday, 12 December 2011

Glumbucket The Snowman

Jim and Rosie
went to visit their favourite tree.
It was full of snow
and already had the makings of a snowman
they collected lots of snow in a bucket
and hauled it up to the top of the tree
Their hands and knees were very cold
so they only managed to fling the bucket to the middle
where it got caught on two branches
At this point the bucket rolled back and a grumpy voice said
'well that's very nice I am sure!'

What happens next?
Please go to http://jimsmorningpages.blogspot.com/2011/12/glumbucket-snowman.html

post the rest of your version of the story
in the comments box
thank you Have a very merry Christmas
p.s. Isaiah 55 lines 10 11 and 12 may help you Amen

pro tem 1) adj. short for the Latin "pro tempore", temporarily or for the time being.

I couldn't find the full roll of brown tape I had secured my stretched piece of watercolour paper with.
I found the end of an old roll.
Knowing the earlier one would be found later I re secured the edge that was coming away.
Pro temp came to mind -for the time being.
Micro movement towards where you are going are like that
do what you can do now even if only as an Aide de Memoire for who you are going to be


'To aid memory'. Literal translation from the French.


'Aide-mémoire' has become absorbed into English, although it isn't especially old. The term is used to refer to notes, or memoranda, that are taken in order to jog one's memory later. The name was used particularly in the UK diplomatic service. The first known use of it for an English audience was in 1846, in G. Lewis's book -Aide-Mémoire to the Military Sciences. The term had been in use in France for some years by then. TheCatalogue des livres de la bibliotheque de feu M. le duc de La Valliere, 1784, has a reference to:
Aide-mémoire ou Chronologie abrégée. Nancy, 1766
The single word memoir, which derives from the middle French memoire, has been in use in English since at least 1494, when it is cited in Loutfut's Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. This had virtually the same meaning as 'aide-mémoire'.
In recent years the term has also used as an alternative to the term 'mnemonic aid'

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Gifts yet to discover course

The GROW model in brief for           your   follow your heart           course              

G Goals      make them as big as when you were a child(you still are!)
R Reality    make this affirmative I can... I am able.....I would like to....
I have tried.....Obstacles I may need to surmount...Negative habits I will need to address
Now coaching is NOT counselling if you need to cry then you must!
 but do not spiral down
instead lift on affirmative hopes
 and dreams
O Options  this is the exciting bit the born again bit
micro movement of change choose from daft ideas
extraordinary hopes (ambitions if you like)
little changes little baby steps
you are learning to fly
walk on water reach out
and embrace change.
Be grateful being alive is the real miracle
What courses tutors gifts invitations
to transform old habits and clutter
into new directions and challenges
 do you want to give not only a go
 but persist and believe in?
W way          who what which but more importantly now you need to say when?
Having determined the direction you wish to head in
you will with me encouraging and sometimes suggesting
be able to set some small targets and aim for them
This requires commitment and dates and practice
of new habits
One being the affirmations that describe to your self gratitude for what you have
breath a beating heart and a will to become the one that was born to be you.

Somethings you don't need to wait for- to do - waking up to HOPE
It is knocking at your door.           Amen

The first session with  you needs just your goals and
the purchase of a coffee or tea for me at a mutually agreeable time ineither Linghams Heswall or Slinky's West Kirby whilst I will use all the other lovely cafes
It may be nice to you to be with a sort of physical dreamlike c.v.(my murals are there)

So that nothing is hidden the subsequent sessions are loosely peaking
 fortnightly/ or at your pace for £15 for half an hour or £25 per hour.

Curriculum Vitae http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/curriculum#Latin
A sort of racecourse of life.
p.s the fat man on the right was me
4 months ago

Since then I have dieted and walked and
sustained a writing activity and goal setting path
utilizing all I had learned and things that I
 needed to learn.
The image above was the year before
I am more well than in either of these incarnations.
Who I want to be is getting nearer all the time.
Micro-movements work 
just add commitment:call me
in the new year Phone 0151 625 130 or email: jimtheartistfleming @google mail.com

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Gifts Yet To Discover

Woke up with heroes on my mind
It started with Peter Kaye and his
Over and Over and Over Again
Christmas single as Geraldine

and my conversation with Alison Goulbourne
 in Willow Cafe Heswall

in which we thought up
my being a Life Coach
So then I am going to use this blog to invite that service


Any way back to
RecentlyDawn French became one
by doing two things
one she wrote a book A LIttle Bit Marvelous
and by loosing lots of weight
David Wolliams became another by writing 4 children's books
speaking about how he has to plot them on the one show and by swimming for charity

Similalrly Ediie Izzard for his creative story telling humour mostly bible based at first
and by that series of marathons and searching his soul publicly

yet another is Hugh Laurie who I imagine manages to surprise himself
with acting accent humour music and being accepted by other musicians so

So then I will look further into the books that Dawn and David have written
and continue as they have with exercise and diet and writing and humour.

So whta are you going to do?
Who are your heroes.
In a subsequent blog I will outline the creativity life coaching
but what I want to suggest you do in preparation for that is write down some goals
and make a micromovement  by clicking on the join this site button
.You can always click on the star top right and then name it Life Coach in your bookmarks
then you can find it agin by clicking the spanner to bring the blog of
Jims Morning Pages back up and follow me.

Blessings Jim

p.s one bit of life coaching to leave you with
I am choosing not to build a life coach website which would be specific fixed and permanent
no iam going to continuous creatviely share and include the
  Gifts yet to discover life coaching with details of fees etc
here as a blog is a continuous stream a live performance
an OPEN SYSTEM that meant to flow inviting
 'currency'-here a glass full for ya

Isaiah 55

New International Version (NIV
Invitation to the Thirsty
 1 “Come, all you who are thirsty,
   come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
   come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
   without money and without cost.
2 Why spend money on what is not bread,
   and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
   and you will delight in the richest of fare.
3 Give ear and come to me;
   listen, that you may live.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
   my faithful love promised to David.
4 See, I have made him a witness to the peoples,
   a ruler and commander of the peoples.
5 Surely you will summon nations you know not,
   and nations you do not know will come running to you,
because of the LORD your God,
   the Holy One of Israel,
   for he has endowed you with splendor.” 6 Seek the LORD while he may be found;
   call on him while he is near. 

Monday, 5 December 2011


here we are in touch with the world
in the past
you would have to get
a radiosatation
or a publisher
theatre company
shop keeper orchurch
to provide you with publication presentation
or pulpit table hill or announcement
before you could like Jesus speak to the crowd

The internet is shoreline
if someone gets drawn to your site
gallery book then you can speal.

Holy Spirit
speak through our synapses heal these internet
neural groovers
remove the virus from these
lymph systems so honey and milk can flow bewtween us al
and The Jesus be born in our hearts each moment we share Amen

Oscillating halogen heater

searching for answers on the shoreline of my being
.I need to keep warm.
The Jesus not an expression I have heard
The Buddha I have heard and then
associated with him
just a man
a celebration of the ordinary
Zen I some how get
it this the aesthetic of simplicity
yet to achieve Buddha nature implies a serenity
that denies ..............
some vagueness
iconoclastic Jesus and Zen
yes I believe ego and churchy religiousness
manages to be transcended and offers more hope than
the 'lonely crowd of parishioners who having got used to each other
have become a clique in need of breaking out of and being broken into

The icon then of self (group or singular)
needing to be broken
to enable love
sharing caring and
end aloneness
two kinds
me me me
us us us
without purpose
yet routine does not satify if we agree with others to assemble
with open mind hearts
offering essential incomes of
warmth via
food shelter and yes story telling
existence is not obvious
without athread of mutual charater mystery possibilitities
abundance of interestingness
flavours of melody tastes of ideas fumbleings and jumblings of oh
i like this new riff plate of tastes

If a thing is worth doing....worthdoing badly

we have to be somewhere i needs must do soemthing
if i am a shop keeper
outside they need eveidence of life and change and something new happening
noone wants stale
yet they want craft and of course
they do not they they?

yes well us we
want to be thought literate
people dopy like ourselves ask the obvious
floundering on new shores
by rearranging things and be open bringing new ingredients tastes flavours ideas inclusivenesses in
we do not want to be a jumble sale and yet
we all like the searching
so a market stall
or a sea side
corridor of clothes to try on

oh oh
now back to soem sort of thread then

we they ask do you do ....
did you do.....
as icebreakers tow diffferent purposes seemingly
on to show amazement or to flatter that they fiond what you do
worthy of remark
to establish they can buy that here
the that being something that it is obvious at this moment you do do
yet as soon as they have that
and want
the something else that you
now stock they want what you used to do

The Jesus did not encourage us to
be religious no
step out include share
the Jesus
what is the Jesus
least of on of these hopeful prayerfu;
promising change
enabling gifts healing brokenesss of loneliness
sharing caring self denying but not to be merely empty trancsended
higher than others bu here with trusting in beleiving and sharing miracel
life is holy!
Live lovingly -it is all going to be all right
yet not comfortabel
yet peace beyond understanding
isaiah of the Jesus
my thought are not your thoughts
so though I rummage about wrting morning pages stream of consiousness style
I am not necessaruily doing what psalm one said
no I must rummage on
chew on God's voice
and what do I find there
my word will come down like rain and like snow
and cause the bread
he The Jesus
did come
and Isaiah speaks of come without money
it will not sartify
yet I ahve taken somehthing my earthly dad said as being modest
yet profound
my flowing being renewing carryin on
currency is meant to flow
we are that current and our flowing should irrigate others with the hop of ressurrection
Jesus did not die
or rather having doene so
there was and there is for us in concept?
enlightenment or in soem profound exceptional
and to be grasped wiuth our hearts WAY
a new birth just as we create new lines
and new products and reange our perception of our assets

ours no The Jesus
what you do
or do not do
so lets us do something for someone everyone we meet
let us sustain the endeavour to make a difference
click on this

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Frugal wonderment

Frugal Wonderment, Betty Windfall and Haddy Nuff
God and the Devil.

Each of the characters were able to self justify
themselves with their own opinion
but only God could adjust them to a bigger one

Allotment pub and cafe-bar

Frugal wonderment used the hedgerows as his garden
and others joined him at it along the old disused railway siding

Betty windfall bragged as she went from slimming club to bar
buying her friends

Haddy Nuff blew his blue despondent saxophone
and walked backwards through a hopeless that drained
everyone who smiled his way

Faithful Umpteen watched Searching Sam go past the cafe
He sat writing sermons reviewing scripture and pondering end times
with eyes that spoke of sadness as Sam cluttered along with a borrowed camera
though he had lots of money and a fat pension born from sustained monotony
and hobbies without a solid dream.He would go to museum and waterfront
or revisit the engineers he once worked with.He had a catolgue of others interests whilst
Faithful formed an opinion of what God meant and hoped to inrtoduce others to said

Only God could help Sam find the pieces that would verify his belief that
'someone is looking after me' by showing his the bigger picture
and only God could and would answer Faithful's prayers by showing
him the chapter about the vineyard workers.

I am reading both the course notes of the children's writing course
and browsing the Julia Cameron's book the artists way
She is talking about God as good orderly direction or flow
and I think again of 'currency' and meant to flow and the talents of Jesus
parable.Also of the book asset based thinking.

I quipped yesterday you cannot
have your present until you have
used up your past.
What are we not using?

So the beginning of this blog is my response when
waking to the thoughts arrived at by my
sleeping jimness to the writing course requirement for
characters whether i choose mystery
story short synopsis play or cartoon strip.
Fed by the film by Sylvain Chomet belleville rendez-vouz
Babs and I had watched The illusionist by him which
was based on the end of music hall and the character of
Jacques Tati.

In this one the modus was mechanism and cinema and bicycle .
An old lady wanting to amuse her bored son buys him a puppy
dust off an old piano and a railway set and
them having found a scrapbook of bicycles
beneath his bed a tricycle.All are attempts
 to amuse him only the bike works.
She cannot play piano so cannot inspire him and the
dog grow fat,whilst she trains her son for the tour de France
.Also a city grows around their home
and with it a railway bridge.
The dogs tail as a pup gets run over so
 the dog fat as he is skids along stairs and floors to bark at
the trains going right past the upstairs window..

The film had started with a comical black and white
 vaudeville act viz three musical sisters

The mafia collect straggling struggling cyclist and take them off on a liner to belleville
where they are strapped into a theatre contraption with b/w film to cycle into
it is a gambling hall for gangsters as the three frog eating sisters help Madame Souza
and Bruno the dog rscue Champion the son.

Vusually delightful city scapes whimsy Heath Robinson mechanisms and inventive musical
sound making on tuned cycle wheels tea pots newspapers refridgerators

and keystone cop style wacky races  ending with explosions car tumbles on hills
madcap tactics including tripping a car with madame souza's club foot
are a feast that would satisfy searle,steadman aardman et al

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Morning pages writing course and small net book

So then turning up again at the morning pages of Julia Cameron
today I am off to the library to ask about a German language cd that Amy
would like to obtain need the details for her.She will phone to ask me later.

want to dig out Julia cameron's book and the resent pages of the writing
 course I am slowly easing my way up several hills at the same time
financial by advertising and seeking to serve current customers well.
Finishin an invite image for a wedding-having done theme double portrait
visiting Liverpool to pass old drawings of singers with artwork to
a lady whose business card I just completed.Finding appropriate fingerstyle and stave
music for my guitar students and building recent colour theory ideas with a rubber solution technique for Christmas cards.

The diet hill requires walking cycling and points counted creative cooking
and economic purchasing and freezer bag and box thinking.
I am noticing it is uneconomic to buy designer point counted food
and so need to make reasonable informed guesstimates to cook
what I trust include no point tomatoes onions veg n fruit as a
strategy going low on spuds and bread buy not excluding as part of
balance to my diet.

The music hill .One leg need to continue scribbling and joyfully dancing
 routing with bass n harmonica whilst  on guitar the other disciplines itself with stave
and two hand coordination for piano guitar and recent dabbling on violin

The writing course hill must be sustained and I will see more clearly
 an aspect of my creative future when I choose and complete the assignment 8
that has beeen on hold for nearly two years now.

Whilst the morning pages suggests three pages
these goals are calling their imperative to me so I will get dressed
after a quick bath and go off to the library