Thursday, 1 December 2011

Morning pages writing course and small net book

So then turning up again at the morning pages of Julia Cameron
today I am off to the library to ask about a German language cd that Amy
would like to obtain need the details for her.She will phone to ask me later.

want to dig out Julia cameron's book and the resent pages of the writing
 course I am slowly easing my way up several hills at the same time
financial by advertising and seeking to serve current customers well.
Finishin an invite image for a wedding-having done theme double portrait
visiting Liverpool to pass old drawings of singers with artwork to
a lady whose business card I just completed.Finding appropriate fingerstyle and stave
music for my guitar students and building recent colour theory ideas with a rubber solution technique for Christmas cards.

The diet hill requires walking cycling and points counted creative cooking
and economic purchasing and freezer bag and box thinking.
I am noticing it is uneconomic to buy designer point counted food
and so need to make reasonable informed guesstimates to cook
what I trust include no point tomatoes onions veg n fruit as a
strategy going low on spuds and bread buy not excluding as part of
balance to my diet.

The music hill .One leg need to continue scribbling and joyfully dancing
 routing with bass n harmonica whilst  on guitar the other disciplines itself with stave
and two hand coordination for piano guitar and recent dabbling on violin

The writing course hill must be sustained and I will see more clearly
 an aspect of my creative future when I choose and complete the assignment 8
that has beeen on hold for nearly two years now.

Whilst the morning pages suggests three pages
these goals are calling their imperative to me so I will get dressed
after a quick bath and go off to the library

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