Saturday, 7 January 2012

Goals using academy suggestions

My5 most unlimited desired personal goals

  1. Relationship with my author GOD 
  2. Wellness,fulfilment and long healthy life-be wealthy in the right way
  3.  Have a home Friendship/life time partner=wife  
  4. Travel in relationship with 1,3 and 5
  5. Be heartist-musical performer author,writer,illustrative journalist sculptor/set designer/architect
My5 top family and relationship  goals
  1. That Rob& Amy and those they love feel loved by me
  2. Have a loving Wife  who will share /care with/for me 
  3. Be a loving Grand father to Isobel
  4. Be a good friend to others and be loveable
  5. Have a heart for strangers remain open to Christ in others-inclusive
My5 top financial & career  goals
  1. Income streams- Jimtheartist  ENcourageMENT           product lines 'gifts yet to discover'
  2. Murals-bigger with teams and international/architectural
  3. Multi media exhibitions of playfulness Matisse-Klee like
  4. Author &illustrative Journalist  Publish Books -various  prints
  5. Musical Performer

My health goals

  1. walk every day if possible
  2. track weight and eating habits subliminally for inclusion of fruit n veg and limitation of stodge cakes sweets bread meat spuds and portion control
  3. Say yes to dance walk action companionship and social activity
  4. Get down to say 12stone  5lbs gently steadily comfortably-think about bmi possibility 11 6 currently over13 stone
  5. Seek to encourage team walk cycle etc
My5 social goals-contributions to community
  1. Musical -part of a band(s) also teams
  2. Children's books/Coaching-creative lives-encourage others gifts through playfulness INSPIRE!
  3. Be example sharing food and quality eating habits
  4. Illustrate embellish musically throw light and love joy on the work of others to highlight God's love given encouragements demonstrated in others like LUcado Jeffers,Matisse Klee Chagall
  5. Author performer never 'preach'to but be amongst like yeast salt water light  a grand dad
My 5  Educational goals for personal and professional development
  1. Writing course completion
  2. Sustained piano learning
  3. Improved practical/musical knowledge on bass mainly, guitar violin,open                    minded perhaps clarinet,viola.Song writing
  4.  languages Italian or French
  5. Exercise and diet 
THE 5  desires/goals/benefit from I would like from the above within the next 12 months 
  1. Find my girl viz home n relationship-unforced unplanned yet heart's desire still
  2. Complete the writing course
  3. Maintain healthy attitude of body n mind
  4. Grow musically-bass n piano and violin
  5. Income stream development be wealthy
the  major purpose goal-priority motivational goal i choose
            'if success were guaranteed' then is
                Wellness,fulfilment and long healthy life-be wealthy in the right way
             in the hope I will achieve number one the relationship with my own author
             thanks be to Jesus Christ who died for me that I might have life in abundance Amen

Next I notice I am invited to write a strategic plan to achieve this one major goal using these 7 steps:

  1. This Goal in detail with set a deadline
  2.  List of Obstacles and limitations that stand in the way
  3. List additional information knowledge and skills needed
  4. List of people whose help and support,co operation I will require
  5. make a plan to achieve the goal activities organized in priority and sequence
  6. Assign responsibility for carrying out the plan                                                                                   who   ?        sis going to do                        what?                                                                                                                                  
  7. Take action now and then do something every day towards this goal                                                 Actions:                                              deadlines:
DO SOMETHING NOW so i have I have planted this ready for next blog

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