Thursday, 8 March 2012

the imperative need then

is to simply share something
do i ever realise the holiness of my neighbour
as i enter into conversation  or have the courage
to more closely observe empathetically

i do not need to respond to the poisons they imbibe as food
nor as news just where they are in themselves
whether the state of play with them is either suppressed or free
whether they are coming our to play by enjoying the breeze the cup of tea
and instead of gossopping sharing being the music the dance the line the colour the flavours of being more fully alive alert caring sharing journeying the seeing tasting feeling a million sense yet to be realised within the time limit of our shared journey

my heart has been variously broken on the rocks of ended or significantly change relationships
when i discovered i was alone with my own perception of the possible
entered into freindship companionship bread baking together tasting together mutually beneficial nourishment form each savoured moment seemingly svered like a limb form a sappling tree of emotionally graftingso that was love and marriage and girlfriends and the nest i wanted to help build and sahre

then with friends too working on seperate projects with shared compassion arthur arthur brian frederick
brenda dad oh and so many more that if i did not draw with a pencil was painted into my psyche heart soul by the author you my dear wonderful Jesus father holy spirit creator God

so time then is what art paints with and all the flavours of its momentariness the tide the sapling the budding the morning evening birdsong and lunchtiome mid morning supping in cafes or around the work office companionship waited for cups at the ready tea kettle

oh for less sorrrow and more sharing of that deep joy and fundiroll of the spanner spaniard in the works
umwin meandering with unglued word like ronnie barker milligan just to see arthur gees tear stained amused eyes and brenda curly laughter on the smoking landing outsied the studio with the window open on the plain tree midsummer or to hear artjur muraski being kind and encourageing a student when a tutor had made the mountain of intellect too high to realise with a project of words from material and with hurting prupose he would have a tender voice practical hands and he she would know it was all going to be alright they have all been jesus for me lord as you knew with ever open eyes and heart you hurt me to open have given to me my charisma is that all you have made is charismatic and i must not choose but remain observant of amen

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