we all have a collage a self of
sticky simialrities
the cereals and the sandwiches are similar to this process of assimilation
st paul speaks of being poureds out
when you open a packet of cereals
with the jigswa of mixed sahpe and
digestible propertties they will be
made into a sort of mulch ot a paste in the bowl and in the digestive juices too
your body wull see and take from the food for thought and river of life you share with the scrpbook of the planets stuff and you will be sustained as part of it
not sewage system for there is no such thing as irt only living soil
my recent colllage is because of the suggestion from julia camerons the artists way
now including images from this pot pourri of being
a photo uploade by friend of jimmy rae
gets torn and rearranged affectionately digested into the life projected hope of new possibilities into
the river or radiating images within the recatngular plate container bowl
or in this case stretched pieve of watercolour paper so as to dry flat i use as the milk that binds its potential cellulose of self bind wall paper paste to fix the loosely torn fragments into the chord playeing of the musical arrangemtn of the panorama vision of turneresque impressionistic projection of hope like a puzzling jigsaw of musical possibilities and what is nice about the sahred river of fcebook is that you are 'scrapping' and collageing and sticking with the kindness of the word 'like' your own thread of the sewing that is you digested knindeness and affection to and who are 'you' the 'us' and 'the 'me'
we are like wonderful muesli wonderful pot pourrri
as i said monthe agao i have broken up some lavendar brushed of some seeds and leaves into what i think are woven oriental pdinng containers for steaming and what is steaming but an invitation to muse muzzled ciontempaltive in the stream of wamr water a bit like thinking and expanding the seed thoughts instead of planting we nourish our selves instead like the cooking process the question being how to release the asociation s and the semiological goodness of inteded meaning that may require some routine to reassue us of mutual care and affection
or indeed new ingrediants and more eccentric breakings out of the pod of our seed husks to bring about both new music- flavour and joy-taste
good tatse is not necessarily stale routine
mu friend went to hospital and he tried to play me a mnew tune about the experience as his last one seemed so criticial he treid and of course becasue i care he succeeded my intention to shpow i care his to show he is trying to reconsider the fresh dailiness of it all and he does havea greatful heart thank thanks the lord for each new day each new unwrapping of the present of the box of the ceral of the pouring out of the milk of food
yes you guessed he spoke of the in the past the routine reassured if you wen to hospital
you enjoyed the reassuring love of things happening predicatably and this gives the child in each of us
i discern the mothered hope for experience that might make us want to go again until finally placed into a box to be opened by the ground to feed the earth
the unrpredictable none mothering of the new nursing with the randomised time of bed bath or medication
seems interutive to the already none reasuring over fragemnted unpredictable one on one but without memory of the soul related to leaves john watching seeming unloving unloveliness not schedulised and therefor in my view mechanical and montonous for the nurses but alos not controlled controllable nor rhythmic in the way that the heart the digestive sysytem and the sleep pattern 'needs' but then does it
if we cannot enter a comfort zone do we we get prodded and pushed into further adventure of sturdier sustained being acvtive alive and not inviting us to go stagnant and is not the river of life pouring through differently then gettiing us closer to even earlier history when the village kept on the move planting and harvesting and folk were seen as and when the other business allowed the business of the kitchen and the field ? i do not know
just knowi haven't seen tom recently am off to dee today to see if the clock fave matshes emough to be liked so i am payed and habve more sticky stuff to flow and feed off
the collage is the garden patch of secret possibility of prayer projected asked of god please include thes fragemtned heart desires of my window shopping and my gratitude of dancing in a big gree house palm house with sandra pretty lady girl of myu dreams bubbly and fun of playin g harmonica in a bamd though the picture should read playing boogie woogie jim showed me and writing stories for izzy pop about izzy pop oh i want money for tax insurance for wedding gift for holiday for hopeful new gift of happy novel to read amen
thankyou lord for the lovely cheese omeleette yesterday in sweetpeas that johinvited me to enjoy and shared with me and for the books people meories of this littl old garage collage of food and loy bless rose and ian and their children
thankyou for the tepid chai tea the frgranced persian lime candle and the branflakes i just ate from the plastic bowl i bought with another from a junk shop in brighton that was collaged together in rucksack and travelled to paris dieppe and barcelona too amen
and for the innocent apple and rasberry juice
i see the container for the backwards clock stereo cufflinks
that need new batteries and wondr where they currently are happpy that yesterday i found thunder on the mountains on modern life c.d as george had thought it was
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