To get back into writing as a habit for my creative /expressive needs and to prepare to resume my children's writing course.
Sunday, 23 October 2016
flying solo duo and group
At present after realizing
my single-hood is going to be prolonged
I have nevertheless also accepted and pro actively
sustained a life time's dynamic of transformation and change.
Soloists and single flyers include St.Francis of Assisi
Amelia Earhart,Antoine De Saint-Exupéry's Little prince
Mother Teresa .Herge's Tintin,St.Paul,Jesus
Yet some people i.e solo artist's are not un-partnered.
Even in fiction Tintin has Snowy.And in Little prince
the solo pilot is a meditation on another who is from another
like Bowie's major Tom .
In my child's mind I always hoped to be Adam in Eden
with an Eve who a kind author brought into the garden
where I had been planted.
When there was no girl there was instead
paint pens and paper
and later the lady was a musical instrument
from harmonica to ukulele to guitar violin.
Yet despite some lovely God given Eve's
who walked into and out of the Eden I shared
none stayed.
Just reflections projections hopes dreams and traces
in lyrics riffs doodles and melodies and movies.
Each Eve imagining her ideal Adam
and each manifestation of being their Adam
proving not to be not for me an Eve of something lovely and lasting.
The solo flying of harmonica
has always enjoyed the sky provided by other musicians skies
often duets...with various friends Steve,Simon,Jim and David
often to some heartfelt song about losing the lady
or the loneliness of Eden or the sky to fly in over and out of it
as with praise in the altar with Simon
or rock n roll with Steve,Jim or Dave
of course there is even then the splitting oneself into
sky and bird and author
as one takes a string instrument in one's arms
a harmonica in a cradle
lyrics in one's mouth and flowing heart
becoming a pretend duo group or momentary movie romance
of reflection.
This is like doing a mural
or a commission for another
always best when for a couple for then
like a midwife of emotion one gets to record
their flight with the wings of imagination God gave you
this is I feel like
being a hymn writer
God takes on a shared group reality
and mutual reverie
when a church is lifted by a praise 'group'
groups then are concerts
i.e concerted mutual efforts to
provide the flowers tress and ground
and sky for each other's comfort
whether it be illusion or reality is of no matter
just as when two lover's spill all they are
into the common shared river of their mutual lives
Pacem in Terris
may be found
whether it be Wirral Ukulele Fanatics
Jimmy Rae and the Moonshine Girls
Pink Floyd
or the wise decision of Bob Dylan to work with a band
or John Martin
or Van Morisson
to be tempted towards orchestra
yet one's mind and theirs too in the case of John Martin
and Roger Waters a deep and loving empathy and reverence for the lost sheep soloist
who give their sermon's on the mounts like the fools on the hills they are
Nick Drake-living on solid air- a tough flight that one
Syd Barrett -piper at the gates of dawn-wish he was here
and when he was flying solo Bob put it well
the answer is still 'Blowing in the wind
like that harmonica
Bob borrowed that plane from Woodie
there's a star man waiting in the skies
well if there wasn't prayers would be just thin in and not so solid
no one to pipe in the dawn
no fool on any hill to play
day after day
no sermon on any amount of mounts
the front line is either an Eve
or a few disciples on an Emmaus Road
hoping they walk with Psalm 23's shepherd
neath Psalm One's trees
beside The River man
Sunday, 25 September 2016
remembering to rest
and to let ground lie fallow in readiness of newness of life
soil that is seething with anger
has no nutrition then it can release
like mustard gas and other poisons
it contaminates right down the line
needs must seek nutrition nand sunlight
and the touch of the life giving vine
de vine
divine is the spring tide
the word filled with love yes and sometimes remorse
offering mercy and parent affection
in the face of the devil's serpent whispers
lie fallow let time n tide do the healing
but not just time but God's healing unifying
humbling and extravagant love
I feared the cul de sac of
false comfort zones of complacent conclusions
yet disintegration
of too many choice
turns good soil into a potter's field
of broken homes
broken prams
broken children
where Judas lies surrounded by coins
and dinosaur bones of confusion
drunken Noah's picking his teeth of the harvest
as he feasts on the raven and dove
we need to listen once more to the father and the mother of wisdom of life
lie fallow awhile in the chrysalis
there's no hurry to make her my wife
i shall tenderness
and to myself more compassion
no broken fool
who a Samaritan
needs then to spend his/her last dime
God will water my mind with the wisdom of enoughness
showing me resources I still need to share
finding all of the things
I still have to give then and to give it
with joy and not at a whipping boy whim
I am God's and Holy Spirit
in the sky
I'm a little dog who laughs
as he watches all the cows
as they seek to jump
over their bad rising moons
at dish he is longing to spoon.
Lord thank you right here on my doorstep you bring laughter and humour and light
I have seen mighty prayer of forgiveness as
people fallow are drawn back up to live and to fight
but the fight is not one of bullying
nor insidious aggression
everyone's trying to do of their best
if i am quiet its to help others come forward
even hound dogs an old urban spacemen
must know when tis time that they gave it a rest
asking who if any were they so trying to impress
my main admiration for all of our leaders is when
they seek out core values and fresh manna in songs
someday we'll all climb in the boat and go
fishing for men on the shoreline
and my friend Simon sez
will pray in the breezes
the wonderful rose that got trampled
and then Jesus himself will walk with us all out on the water
and the names of those we had had lost we'll remember
and the circle will no longer be broken
and its true daddy sang bass
and all the little children with mummy were happy well fed on the loaves and the fishes
water turned wine
and we all sang along.
Compassion and humility are indeed closely related
and needs must be balanced with gentility
and with kindness.
Both for oneself and those who are going
to be affected by one's presence.
(I use the word 'one' not to be posh
but because to say 'your' can have an accusative ring.
And to say 'my' makes all I say sound closed in
and closed off from usefulness for other's)
So how is our 'oneness with each other?Our empathy?
Our sympathy?Our accessibility?Can we relate?
St Francis or just plain 'Frank' if we like,
for holiness may be a problem for each of us.
The word 'saint'either needs humbling down
or raising to a more common human aspiration
realization or vulnerable tender hardheartedness perhaps?
What do you think?(here I felt the inclusiveness was
to acknowledge your otherness to my singular yet
common humanity.For whilst not one of us is an island
entire of itself nevertheless we are each different
(but even that when absorbed
'I' feel to be our common human feature
viv a vis
we are each a person
it is always 'personal'
and our unique yet common vulnerability our individuality
means we each of us can experience the despair of
'no on understands 'me'
and R.D.Laing points out well in Knots that
'I experience you
and you experience me
but I will never experience your experience of me.
And you will never experience my experience of you.
Before I explore this seeming digression further
I feel the need to return to the blog's title
and the first line of its intended thread.
Finessing Compassion and Humility.
I fear that when I /one / you i.e any of us separated or collective
individuals seek to show compassion
we may
fail to
'seek to understand rather than seek to be understood'Frank's words
to us saint or not he seems to have something
to shift 'one's' potentially arrogant stance
Thus we impose the concept and belief
that we belong to the group whose
thread of thought and action is correct.
(very often assuming other's
agree simply because they for self protection from tyranny
choose to stay behind the barricades.)
Mmmm and I fear the over humble position of the leading idea and general ambiance
needs no adjustment just to be acquiescent and polite to a leader ,
who they have not noticed is flawed and becoming h#armful left uncontested
unchecked and not adjustable.(Always has to be right and has lost the gumption
and lubricant and buffer of humour and its springy elastic flexible
compassion and humility and common decency and humanity.
I love that Eric Berne in the Games people play '
offered the traffic light identity of each or our egos as
and child
which really can be caricatured as
arrogant superiority
common decency
and Thomas Harris M.D or just plain 'Tom'
or St Tom if we collectively choose
creted this model of positions
I'm ok you're ok (adult)
I'm okay you're not okay(parent)
I'm not okay your'e ok(victim-child))
We're not okay(despondent children who think their adults are damaged and the situation is hopeless)
I feel Fritz Perls offered us something better
I am not in this world to live up(or down) to your expectations
and you are not in this world to live up(or down ) to mine
if we do that's lovely
if we do not its just too bad
that line is where compassion self assessment and common courtesy become useful
I would also recommend getting hold of the book on
Practical Medical Ethics by Dr David Seedhouse
for the chapter on self fulfilling prophecies
i.e when a doctor doesn't listen just as when
Jeremy Hunt doesn't listen
I illustrated it
but I would also plead as offered by Sue Jeffers
on behalf of the pictures there
'if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing badly'
a sort of PUNK response akin to Fritz's pearls of willful freedom
And music ..never trust an inflexible metronome such gnomes
are mechanical discompassionate accurate only in their Nazi march lacking natures rests for a breath here or there
i think a little arrhythmia is more common human a feature than a programmable heart beat
Monday, 29 August 2016
Pay dirt persistence
Can you overthink something?
Can you overpray?
can you over play?
can you over rest?
There we have already
started to examine some of the questions to
have we gathered anything yet?
Mmm ticky...perhaps that everything EVERYTHING is questionable?
Is questioning the question
and the authority of the one questioning 'OVER' thinking?
I don't think you should OVER think how you are feeling
although mindfulness when eating is that not savoring and REALLY tasting?
Savor the flavor of how you feel what you taste.
Invitation instead of question...mmmm there's not the rub but the nuance.
is it True?
Is it Honorable?
Is it in the person's Interest?
Is it Necessary?
Is it Kind?
Do I overthink by
a) giving values or learning values fro each letter of the word THINK?
b)can one over THINK 'thoughtful'ness when caring?
e.g did the Samaritan overthink his response to the man in the road
that had been attacked by the gang of robbers
c)what kindness is being offered when a friend offers as salve or Savlon
the brokenhearted the word s 'Don't overthink it'
A) Is the name of a Christian group look to be differentiated from others
as one might choose a colour or team.So here the suggester of the name:
A lovely curly haired gentle soft spoken friend and also a young caring dad,
wants to imbue or offere a useful tool.
The tool itself a sort of can opener for kind heartedness.
YES overthink...even edit one's thoughts so as to act more like the Samaritan.
B)Yes one can overthink thoughtfulness when caring for spontaneous acts of generosity
must not as the bible suggests 'let the left hand know what the right hand is doing'.
When you kiss your girl don't blink or unrisk.Risk.
C)My friend is reminding me of my own habit of exhausting myself and seeking to second guess God.
'Be still and know that I am God'
Another friend when I sought the same comfort asks a question
'Does the girl you are smitten with know Jesus?'
Again the action is kindly.Inferred is does she share
your love and surrender to something greater or is she overthinking
and trusting her own instincts and intellect or surrendering to faith is love itself?
What do I think ?
What is my conclusion?
Only that I feel sad.
That I never want to unhug the girl I 'fell' for.
That thinking will not help my feelings
yet only by realizing and allowing myself some answers do I get to come to terms with my sad situation.
Knowing or allowing the thought that she is 'on the rebound' her words not mine,do I then accept the boot.
She isn't ready for another relationship.
I must not of course overthink the word 'relationship'
to relate
to empathize with
to share
to care
to dialogue
to mutually think
relationship counselling is over thinking
seeking an overview
seeking the view that God offers
perhaps when questioning anything or surrendering to something
one should watch the first word
I am under
God is over
requires I do not over think but surrender
and shelter
past tense
it is over
it is finished
accept it
well that's putting myself into place
everyone enjoy the relationships
that I am being denied
see I failed to take the advice because of my feelings
the girl has failed to allow our new feelings to flower because of hers
acceptance= not overthinking,but understanding....that as Sue jeffers said 'it is all happening perfectly just not ours
the antithesis being 'they are playing a game of not playing a game
if I show them that I see the game I will break their rules and they will
punish me..I must continue to play the game of not showing that I see the
game (R.D.LAING Knots)
One is told never ever ever give up. Persistence is proactive mindful patience.i.e 'don't simply do nothing'
Yet when one plants seeds one then waits.My only fear is that I may bury treasure and the manna goes off and I 'miss the moment'.But i have to back off.I loved the end of Nottinghill.......resigned to his fate he put her off.Great if you have a team that will drive you across town to find her,but not so if you have neen given Julia Robert's part anbd you awit the female equivalent to Hugh Grant
Some will smoke
some with overeat
over work
over over over
it is over
but not my life
I think
Venting is what the internet the blog the facebook page is for.
I now seek a song to finish.I will share this to facebook and the other morning pages
for as Jimmy Rae sings in a quality assertion song 'This is what I do'
Thursday, 10 March 2016
the 'will'
Willfulness and unmerciful cockiness
are an arrogant way of going about things.
I think we can all if we are honest
recognize our sinful selves in this assertion
or if you like confession.i.e of course if we are
'willing' to be honest.
Forgiveness. it was suggested by Rob Parson's
in his d.v.d /video talks from a book by the
common title 'the Wisdom House',i by an act of
personal will.yet as the leader/friend of a small
house group concurred to highlight and reinforce this
remark or perhaps assertion,it occurred to me that
maybe it isn't.
For I noticed in that one has chosen to surrender
acquiesce ,let go,forego judgement,transcend
personal hurt it is really a divinely assisted
denial of one's willfulness.
We had realized ,mutually as a group, through study of
Russel Crowe's depiction of Inspector Javert in
Les Misérables that the willful inability to forego
on'e assumed legal rights to assumed common justice
leads to suicide.That to not forgive is to imprison
oneself inside the bars of a systematic prosecution
not just of the pursued but oneself as the pursuer.
Whilst to forgive oneself and to forgive others for
causing us to feel that we had ,been placed in the
untenable position of needing, to steal our daily bread,
was liberating/liberation.Jean Valjean's willingness
is brought about by the generous act of Bishop Myriel .
Divine example is both a gift and a transmission of
the Holy Spirit out flowing
I am reminded that my dad asked me
'why is money called 'currency'?
And his delight in sharing the insight
'because it is meant to flow.
Perhaps not being able to forego the pernicious
rules Javert had like Judas decided to pop himself
in the Seine as an act of reinvestment in the Potter's
field of the Author of the coin and the vestment of
Divine is 'of the vine' and what we feel to be will
may be just the Secateurs of the gardener-the vine dresser.
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