To get back into writing as a habit for my creative /expressive needs and to prepare to resume my children's writing course.
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Compassion and humility are indeed closely related
and needs must be balanced with gentility
and with kindness.
Both for oneself and those who are going
to be affected by one's presence.
(I use the word 'one' not to be posh
but because to say 'your' can have an accusative ring.
And to say 'my' makes all I say sound closed in
and closed off from usefulness for other's)
So how is our 'oneness with each other?Our empathy?
Our sympathy?Our accessibility?Can we relate?
St Francis or just plain 'Frank' if we like,
for holiness may be a problem for each of us.
The word 'saint'either needs humbling down
or raising to a more common human aspiration
realization or vulnerable tender hardheartedness perhaps?
What do you think?(here I felt the inclusiveness was
to acknowledge your otherness to my singular yet
common humanity.For whilst not one of us is an island
entire of itself nevertheless we are each different
(but even that when absorbed
'I' feel to be our common human feature
viv a vis
we are each a person
it is always 'personal'
and our unique yet common vulnerability our individuality
means we each of us can experience the despair of
'no on understands 'me'
and R.D.Laing points out well in Knots that
'I experience you
and you experience me
but I will never experience your experience of me.
And you will never experience my experience of you.
Before I explore this seeming digression further
I feel the need to return to the blog's title
and the first line of its intended thread.
Finessing Compassion and Humility.
I fear that when I /one / you i.e any of us separated or collective
individuals seek to show compassion
we may
fail to
'seek to understand rather than seek to be understood'Frank's words
to us saint or not he seems to have something
to shift 'one's' potentially arrogant stance
Thus we impose the concept and belief
that we belong to the group whose
thread of thought and action is correct.
(very often assuming other's
agree simply because they for self protection from tyranny
choose to stay behind the barricades.)
Mmmm and I fear the over humble position of the leading idea and general ambiance
needs no adjustment just to be acquiescent and polite to a leader ,
who they have not noticed is flawed and becoming h#armful left uncontested
unchecked and not adjustable.(Always has to be right and has lost the gumption
and lubricant and buffer of humour and its springy elastic flexible
compassion and humility and common decency and humanity.
I love that Eric Berne in the Games people play '
offered the traffic light identity of each or our egos as
and child
which really can be caricatured as
arrogant superiority
common decency
and Thomas Harris M.D or just plain 'Tom'
or St Tom if we collectively choose
creted this model of positions
I'm ok you're ok (adult)
I'm okay you're not okay(parent)
I'm not okay your'e ok(victim-child))
We're not okay(despondent children who think their adults are damaged and the situation is hopeless)
I feel Fritz Perls offered us something better
I am not in this world to live up(or down) to your expectations
and you are not in this world to live up(or down ) to mine
if we do that's lovely
if we do not its just too bad
that line is where compassion self assessment and common courtesy become useful
I would also recommend getting hold of the book on
Practical Medical Ethics by Dr David Seedhouse
for the chapter on self fulfilling prophecies
i.e when a doctor doesn't listen just as when
Jeremy Hunt doesn't listen
I illustrated it
but I would also plead as offered by Sue Jeffers
on behalf of the pictures there
'if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing badly'
a sort of PUNK response akin to Fritz's pearls of willful freedom
And music ..never trust an inflexible metronome such gnomes
are mechanical discompassionate accurate only in their Nazi march lacking natures rests for a breath here or there
i think a little arrhythmia is more common human a feature than a programmable heart beat
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