Wednesday, 5 July 2017

The paper I truly believe in

I really feel the future resides in all women particularly mothers of man. Beyond art and science and all man's engineering are qualities I accept as transcending the violence of men. In true politic of advancement is the stoic caress of sincere nest builders sustainers despite storm and daily challenge and pain. I used to think the 'aspiration to become human' the real evolution of creature for my good friend Dr Frederick Franck through his writing and kindness and humility did tenderly say I would like to thank all who were my teachers they still are and he would point not to 'religion' but to the WAY life with a little 'l' is each one of us he said whereas Life with a big 'L'goes on. One might say like the song by John Lennon 'imagine' life can be hell or can be heaven Just as the American Indian proverb/parable inside us there are two wolves fighting. On wolf is kind one is cruel which of them wins is to a mother quite simple the one that we feed and make strong I've met a fine girl who brings up four lovely children and yet despite little time for herself realizes the value of self expression meditation and by spending prayer time with the fabric of nature instinctively intuitively with precision and wonder creates and dresses and embroiders with tiny seeds multi direction of fascinating fastidious pleasure the moments of life that flows out of her beautiful self Lady Macbeth is a monster a caricature of the one wolf literature warns against yet the antitheses is Cordelia of King Lear a man who like ALL mankind has been foolish who set such a poor example to Cordelia's sisters The three ugly sisters of children's literature Yet transcendent Cinderellas abound Elizabeth frink Frida Khalo Mother Theresa Florence Nightingale Beatrix Potter Janet Ahlberg J K Rowling Tove Jansson Ruby Wax irene and Astrid-the co authors of Flow magazine The list of mothers is vast genle tender strong an of course endless Think of any boy or man you'll find a mother's encouragement sewing their seams the Bible is wise when in the book of Ruth you see how wise the women in a world of such arrogant man it is in softness humility tenderness and subtle encouragement then how the true Aspiration /evolution for us some day to become 'human' does not come from lady Macbeth but the mother who not only carries life's seed in her soft and warm loving belly but in pain both at birth and throughout each child's life time not only nurtures but present example of how in the proverbs God placed wisdom in the the flowering Eve who instead of seeking applause walked miles to get pitchers of water it irrigate plants offering milk to strangers just like in Steinbecks Grapes of Wrath For its in Agape love found in Shakespeare's Cordelia we see what 'human' might mean once again. Amen Last night I drank a toast to my loved one the girl who makes me feel so alive it was in an Emmma Bridgewater mug containing Gin and Tonic which I feel represent purity and feminitiy for a learned on a bus tour through Liverpool that Gin palaces arose in the land when the water unfit to drink in the common home meant the sacrament Gin shared by poor folk went with their daily bread from the swaet of their labouring hands emma Bridgewater i read would collect old bits of crockery for the thames embankment and the pieces of pattern would encourage her and so eloquently say Go create joy from what you take from the river I always like Nick drake's song called Riverman for I feel Nick meant God but the lore I see the strength of the eversuffering creative girl wife and mother the more I feel the real 'human' is in RIVER MOTHER who is the real river our planted shared seed of outr humble God as mother given 'Hu-man-ity!' I once wrote a song that sought to reverence how I felt about my own kindly mum at the centre of this also my son who would care for his sister a song that I find is about anti bullying there will of course be more of the Goliaths's but the choice of how to contest such as those was not the three ugly sisters but a shepherd attending sheep against wolfs and with simple tools stones fro the river bed and careful aim smote the bully away but David wronged both bathsheba and God when having behaved well he chose not the tender caress buty the military way THE WAY is the way of the valley and the the hope that comes down from on high the land of milk and honey will not come from the ravages of war but from the ploughing of hope and the sowing of seed and the nururing and weeding and the farmhouse kitchen table creativity Every child has indeed always longed for from Laurie lee and Gerald Durrell and D H Lawrence who wisely reverenced the mother Instead of asking for the hand of my bride from a kind father i shall turn to her mother who's hands have fed and tenderly cared for the girl I long to marry That's a little of what my heart this morning so longs to express and hope then to tenderly say.Amen

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