Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A prayer

Loving Father God, Dear Lord Jesus,.Holy Spirit Counsellor and friend 
what should I do?I have the memory of a joy of childhood when I was dearly loved for my playfulness.
A rude awakening that has been sustained,

A contrasting pairs of paired words occurred whilst the software rooted through the computer to find no viruses .Thank you.

The pairs of pairs was 
superior cleverness 
and Childlike innocence

I hold in my heart one mentor
and a kindly friend
Dr frederick franck
and the warm thoughts of Claske
.What a fantastic title for a book that she might write
you sent these angels of life and reality into my life and they showed me it is at least posible to realize a dream ivs a vis to gain and income and support for something you believe in that of creating a necessary space in the proceedings.Allowing wonder to flourish and I feel it was they who taught my mind to share this hope with Ali when she sought out the church amen

I pray for a blessing on her building and on the wedding
i am doing my morning pages as also is Caroline England 

In my childhood and I feel still now the ones who make sense are the kind and the innocent
i may yet approach the sisters of jesus way 
i yes now have associated with them and i fear with ali too a slight disappointment 
how to meet my true appointment for it is not with a supermarket that my heart longs to serve but with music and painting and making and playing 
i fear the emperors new clothes of art annd yet i long to play and for play to find its safe space amongst the children of \god that is all the children of whatever age 
it is not in the script that we follow that i offer as a recipe to the moore children but in their gentle and significant predelictions and similarites

how can this be joyful playful and prayer ful and hopeful and true amen
i think of our work today with caroline and my hearts desire to gain n income from new possibilities

oh i know i am being used but i gowillingly to play with a creative friend and to know and be known by her and her partner i prya fro jimmy rae who plays so well i want to open them up to the gifted playful differentness of bob dylan who would appear to offer thte most expansive model to this world of words of music images journeying storyftelling and ideas and expresion of encouraging joy fulness

George called me pathfinder and i am happy always to concede to a change of direction and an additional intentionality but wuld ask at all time for that openenss to the holy life giving spirit of god

my brother measn no harm and neither do i i hope i am not so proud as to not 'take a job' but i feel in my seeming liberty to be hoping that like claske and frederick that i am the job that my gift from you of openenss and focus on the dream will yield the harvest of my faith i have started to wobble with thougth of cvs and of work and i am encouraged by george to hope that perhaps there wil be somewhere for me in all this and ebven there i have a samll ness oh for that university of possibilities and specialisms for a purpose built job that seems more like a picture of what it is that i am able to do to poitn to the shared stone soup without a conductor but not without a god amen

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