i love my mum dad and i believe and hope their love for me was there in there mutual joy at their two sons
my friend john phoned and my friend steve called and also david i am steering a ship of possibilities whilst noticing that i do not have much money and have in all likelihood gone into a minus at the bank.i see that reality but i also see the reality of mark and steve.my new work is for the christian publisher and the friendly seaside craft n gift store.integrtiy and quality .these were spoke of yesterday with brenda and kara in staacks
i like the aardman esque spelling of the shop name.i am also remembering that god allowed me and is allowing me to do and trust to do new things the routine of my work and walking and all i do is now in his hands i am out of the proverbial boat.i am walking on the thin skin of the water the currency of provision of isaih 55 the bus home and the bus to see my mum and i am mindful too that a simple pryaer of community is hanging with mums anonymously side by side in our caring gallery God's facebook amen
i haven't spoken to john gorman for a while but i believe i am enjoying through festival of first echoes the good seed he has planted and that God's love is indeed pouring through his God given intentionality to encourage and to share and create a creative space for his joy to flow into,I before He except after Christ
just playing with a grammar rule that no longer is to be taught apparently as it is no longer true.
i see on the wall before me the photo of one of my cardboard sculpture .it was christine kowal post's chainsaw wood carving that made me want to do these big paper mache scultures.the one that i am looking at comes apart into two pieces.with a very satisfactatory tube that fit the other on beneath these two halve look one whole scupture as the boy stands n the books and lifts his girl up to reach the satr she is reaching for.oh i know in my heart i have been loving and have been romantic and hopefilled whilst sensuaous and gentle.oh Lord i have been along time now letting go of this prayer.felt you answered it when i watched salmon fishing in the yemen .funny i had never met mark but could feel his loss as he spoke of losing the house he had put his all into.i can only prya and truly trust in the 'cuttin back the pruning' we spoke of and i look again at the asset based thinking 'what is the heart of god's desire for us the good things that you have placed there .we you have buried your word in our heart.mums the word.wisdoms the word ,hopes the word ,the sourece the river the love they are all the same word the word jesus holy spirit loving father i seek you amen Hi forgive me for just diving into your page and swimming around like this,But I met a really nice guy I am working on a couple of creative projects with and it turns out he runs a community cinema in Hoylake and so I recalled the idea of new song with experimental animation,From working with a young family on the jubilee dolls , I realised that i can slow the figures i create down and then place them with their gentle shadows into a drawn landscape and take them for a wonder.I hope to do the backgrounds in simple black and white with hardly any tone whilst making the figures with evidence of their newspaper clothing and raggediness and hand madeness obvious.Any way there is the offer of us showing sharing and chatting about it with an audience when/if we do,Blessings Jim Fleming.I see stage one being the creation of the character(s) from the context of the scenario of your song
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