Tuesday, 28 February 2012

o izzy pop and amy able

Life is a simmering pot of wonderment
constantly being served up.God's allotment
is shared and stone soup is the garden of Eden's fruit.
We are all waiting for our name to be called for the
class to know we have arrived for the lesson.
The lesson is incomplete without the ingredients we bring to it.
last night late I tried again to make progress with the
tune from the exam book for grade1 piano.
Andante has lots of pencil note from Barbara's encouragements.
i was so simply pleased to get through it with both hands coordinating
I felt i had taken my feet off the bottom of the cauldron and
that my stone self was adding flavour.The gathered stones as
currency from my health hopeful walking.
 Rooting bringing the beach combed memories to life
you have to splash before you can perfect the stroking of the water.
This afternoon Ted's wife Leslie has agreed to my sharing how I cut
and paste uploaded and found youtube clips into the facebook
 pot of sharing and caring and communicating in this secular potentially
 Holy Spirit infused soup .And how to blog morning page thoughts
 to place on facebook and how to link the blogs to facebook
for sharing with the world and so how to listen out for
stone soup parables of unity.
Stone Soup was bought in a children's book called
Usborne illustrated stories at Bedtime
Georgien Overwater has illustrated it Lesley sims has retold it.
retold that is good for when iI searched and i do suggest you google search for your self
there are dances eductional organisations and animations of this story .
A spaceman version,German soldiers oriental classic tale.
it is a Jesus style parable companionable bread and wine
 for seeing sharing the body of the living God.
I think of the two quotes form my friend Dr Frederick franck
'iwould like too thank those that were my teachers and still are'
'i believe in nothing but God' i think of the two church challenging
 john's gospel quotes that my heart has soaked in
'i will be in them my father will be in me and they 
will know perfect unity that they are loved as i am loved'
'i have others who are not of this flock
and they know their author's voice'

What i do or do not do
for the least of one of these
i do or do not do for
 my author Father Dad daddy,

So Andante gets reviewed in its simmering to tell
 whether it needs some salt to meet the
standards of common soupiness or will i fail from not
picking over the mung beans to remove the grit?

beside me are some stones that i have not yet simmered
the others stories and illustration within the bedtime tales they seem familiar but i will look again
a fat book given to me by the staff of Southport college when i nwas made to walk the plank
i must have mutineed bu i was reading a reassuring John Ortberg title at the time
'If you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat.'
Simon Schama's Power of Art
I agree and would repond with the mustard seed nutshell coracle
i cling to the gentlility of playfulness
i stand inEden listening out for my da's voice to call me for his soup serving
nevertheless this is as yet an unread book i should take it out on my next artist's date
a diary from cah bar has on the front of it TEAMWORK
together we can achieve the extrordinary
Les tres riches heures de mrs mole by ronald searle whish i must taste soon excellent book
art's power in the face of cancer faith love and putting into the sup all that one has talent! gift! chasrisma!

and the Culture vultures record book where i can place films books and art and music i must treait lossely and collect everything or perect the ingredients and make it a collection of favourite recipes?

oh and alos some of my cards which come from journals
 agull form st ives when the children were small
a st ives  pen and melt street from when they slept
brighton pier from around amy's graduation time
there are three torquise and sand images
three cards two the same
I will send these as my five postcards to friends
who i would lkie to hear from John and karen alan and janet
arthur muraski claske franck rosie noteworthy

oh and a barcelona image i will send to amy
i started choosing who to send the cards to and came up with the can can needs to go to johnfor he took me to see strip tease in London when i had declared my christian faith and was hanging an exhibition in st martins; in the field in trafalgar square.it sas on it can can not can't can't the power of positive drawing and the pump organ and i can cut in here the jimthaeartist1 youtube clip of these sheets of can can dancers

the stives image i will send to arthur muraski as i was making ceramics and he was a kindly trechnical ssitant when little Rob would go to the ceramics lab with me

the gull is for norma for whilst the children slept so did she as i painted on the beach

claske i will send the front of brighton pier and janet and alan i will send the side view of it
so then the map of my day the stone soup for simmering contains writing 6 cards sharing computer and piano with leslie and a walk i hope as well as perhaps the pictures with babs later on

I will phone her now i think

had to leave a message

yesterday or more specifically last night and late afternoon i felt really unwell
and i am achy having moved a lot of books and a shelf to helpt get the piano in

i left an answer phone message for john too as
i am having the morning off from cha bar
fellowship matter but it has somehow become heavy with me
there was atime when the three musketeers of faith would last of summer wine it
and then things threw it into disarray oh well john will not have me criticise the daily mail and i will have a bath whilst george will be a husband and so would i if i had a girl who loved me too.

saty postive stay encouraged stay hope fuelled i have put the bath water on and i will have porrideg with sultanas and maple syrup so much for fasting the very poor must eat frugally even when they are unwell i pray but do not suffer then but i do rpay and have cooked kitchari and am peacful in christs' love rather nthan virtuous in my own regard just a man but a blessed on self nurturing and trusting in God's heavenly provision

taht porridge is starting to call me as is music perhaps miles davies on this old mac behind me yes thanks be to God i can even play an old casset on the old player as i have bought batteries amen

oh that's nice i am going to the pictures at 7.15
and my lovely one will recommence
  piano lessons every other tuesday with me

miles is blowing mellow to the one computer speaker to my right nd borders bookshop has just drifted into mt soul with its lvely children's books and art music stationary and coffee
oh i moementaruly let myself miss it
how nice it would have been to share with ixxy pop
and i think of tove jansson books moomins and arthur bought hi a nice book there we were afetrall part way to our printmaking at wrexham with hsi careful mono rpits really painting i in reverse
what a wonderful kindly faced friend my mind ahs just jumped to wamr memeories of an exhibtion i had many years ago at theater clwyd oh
the illustartions and relief paper scuptures proper art if you ask me with gardenrs watering their girlfriend throught eh bathroom window whilst she lay in the bath young married blis woinderment

oh wo how lovely is the stone soup of life

pray for God to be part of His rescue plan for the poor amen

so then just filled in the day's planner
must add a walk in perhaps to leslies and to marko's yes
queens avene near bertram that s the place babs once worked

oh well a walk to meols 1.30 i think perhaps phone her and then a walk to markos later for 4
only an hour then at leslies's

it is quarter to ten now and i have piano practice to do and a lttle theory revision too

dave hedges prayer for the poor is that we pray lord to you for those whom hunger is crippling and causing people to die Lord in the face of that these sweet sultans the salt of the prroidge and the adding a little more milk are luxurious
that the babies shoudl taste and be filled with good things izzy pop and amy amen

seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things will be added to it

5 pretty rocks put in my pocket
press 5 leaves
5 flowers
give five garments away
bake something
send five cards
reread basic principles and artists prayer

Basic Principles:
1. Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy.
2. There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life -- including ourselves.
3. When we open ourselves to our creativity, we open ourselves to the creator's creativity within us and our lives.
4. We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.
5. Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.
6. The refusal to be creative is self-will and is counter to our true nature.
7. When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God: good orderly direction.
8. As we open our creative channel to the creator, many gentle but powerful changes are to be expected.
9. It is safe to open ourselves up to greater and greater creativity.
10. Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move toward our dreams, we move toward our divinity.

O Great Creator,

We are gathered together in your name

That we may be of greater service to you

And to our fellows.

We offer ourselves to you as instruments.

We open ourselves to your cereativity in our lives.

We surrender to you our old idea's

We welcome your new and more expansive ideas.

We trust that you will lead us.

We trust that it is safe to follow you.

We know that you created us and that creativity

Is your nature and our own.

We ask you to unfold in our lives

According to your plan, not our low self worth.

Help us to believe that it is not too late

And that we are not too small or too flawed

To be healed~

By you and through each other ~ and made whole.

Help us to love one another,

To nurture each other's unfolding,

To encourage each others growth,

And understand each others fears.

Help us to know we are not alone,

That we are loved and lovable.

Help us to create as an act of worship to you.

~Julia Cameron


reread basic principles and artists prayer

the new changes in my home are the clearing the satirwell and emptying temproarily amy's book shelf from the landing to allow the piano to arrive

yes to freebies well i have this graze box application form from the nat west bank to send off when i write my postcards amen

images for the image file of crazy ideas i would love to do 
mmmm changes in my finances well i am sking for larger units for the murals and marger projects and quoting for half hour guitar for £115 weekly as well as £25 per hour and alos i am quoting for murals at £400 6 foot by 6 foot and dee are holding an exhibition and i am taking risks by sepnding on removal men for piano and framing for barceloan and will send the email to hotels with the watermarked image of the paintingas a print and print some out for dee and also i will take the llanberis pictures to dee fine art s on friday when i go in ealry to cut the shaped mount.

amen bath then pratcice then walk then postcards then post then meaols then marko then rest then car to babs

Monday, 27 February 2012

feast famine or fast

saint sinner or simple soul
i wake each day
with the company of thoughts
lists arises from the presence of whatever my eyes alight upon
tools for the trade passing of time
what am i to do?
is there a supposed to be doing for me in particular?
should i have chosen a different branch to grow when young?
would God have blessed that choice more?
am i descerning your will?
thy will be done?
you are not dead but alive
i choose to beleive positive things
if as i do have a friend who reads the daily mail
and if i receive a gift of a morrisy or rather a smiths's album
should i spend time with the secondary smoke of gloom that comes from this routine this branch
this choice they have made and enjoyed feeding of
for years

my recent thought has been a question compassionate as poirot my put the order of the words
can i imagine a jesus who reads the daily mail and listens to morrrissey

well oof courxe i must for he spent time witht the negative but within the context and their humanity he loved them but did not leave them that way
what gives god the glory my loving my neighbour unconditionally
so what of virtue traps that julia cameron refers to asw she seeks to remove obstacles blocks to my gog given blessed creative playfulness
yet caring can be creative reflecting by lighting a similar smoky newsapaper writing misery in song or text is not joyful
so the secret is write a stream of health be an amigdala of the brains chemistry making hypothalmus
and send some water in among the mud
if the materila i am offerd is mud see how beautifu;l are th crank pigs in their minimalism you can form within there
i like mossissey i like having information that enables me to play yet
more good news are the parable seed to sow into it the
stone soup
the lighting and the music and the passing on of batons of good seeking to solve the mystery and bring about change of morse to lewsi of arkright to the to ronnies to porridge to only fools and horse to inspector frost
because positive things like posters of polar bears with their lovely silhouettes of fully grown to baby heads is enjoyable as is the subtle blue and gold when mixed equalss silver grey the day is dull outside is that because the daily mail wrote a bad page no it is just the part of god's colouring box

i have phtographed the cottage loaf pub so i can draw it on the church farm map as a recognisable point of orientation like the image of liverpool or the postcard of new york i look from the water side in towards the farm like a goose arriving or an armada from a long journey i arrive by air onto the land

i want to be a person after god's heart
yesterday's objects can be fixed
i superglued the head of the shepherd back on and put it on my semi permanent nativity scene and the golden satr got hung from a nail inside of from the giraffes neck
yes i had a samll wooden girafe chrsitmas present from amy
gift amonst the nativity here you ar jesus i think giraffes are gold and wonderful and worthy of a baby king
and you looked nice there any way now you are a little nearer to me on the newly paced desk
i have not needed to put the light on this mornign although dull it is lighter or did i just wake later/
is it the sign of a lonely man that my thought s become my companions and objects get reviewed
so then fixed or filed i file onto shelves amongst other things associatively or randomly yet that is still thoughtful there will be some cross referenced reason cross referenced no i would rather be resurrection referenced i am still asssociating daily mail with daily misery yet in truth i do n ot read enough newspapers to know it to be more fallable or culpible than the rest the others the choices yet i do klnow there is more cheer in the coloutr of travel mags comics and interior design books amen

i am hear an need a clock in here i will get my watch for i had a plan the other day and the intention or intentionality the suchness the ishness of looser made decisions i do hope these are a gentle conscience choosing to act
jane descerens that her lack of sleep is the prompting of the spirit to bring the children up as a whole church village activity i have to agree that as a child i am looking for that village that family unit to belong to a mum a dad or a maniness of them
do i feel i can create be part of help to become this family uncle dad child on a friday evening to help out become emersed be promtped she wisleyu notices that the gift may follow the stepping out and not the other way about act happy to be happy become church to be family i may yet find myself drawn in but will the holy spirit have nudged me change is what i yearn for practicing my piano for someone to be a heart of something to be connected to all that is good to write for little izzzy because i ma in tough with the child mind of hopeful playful village aspiration

propmpting of a chosen book the artists way is being kind is being joniemitchell girl friends of family ahlberg to me with these suggestions for week 6
p.s am putting a light on and some music and getting a nother cup of tea as others turn to newspapers i turn to these lord bless my friend john wh is addicted to the daily mail and cannot and does not want to ever live without it

is it imperative i get mu thought down before they flow /
proably not for they come from \god's provision like a f ield of cauliflowers

after the filed away comes the other quadrant the florwrding and whilst i switched my mobile on to get the
phonenumber of the removal men text messgaes have been received

pray for the richer churches and for Godly action to move in all our hearts for the poor of the world amen

thanks dave these are prayer week texts
i gothte phonenumber going to fix now by phoning the removal company about the piano 'easy to move'
thanks sandra

right it'l cost £150
for the piano move
i pray it'll go smoothly and i am excited about the getting it in the investment nd the playing and the practice the commitment and the hopefulness i have put light on will get my watch havbe fed the fish and have julias book straws of hope to cling to and act upon

i've put six peices of weightwacthers danish malted in the grill to toast and they fit to the millimetre making it a great toasting efficient visual for me almost better than having a toaster
alight ache in the middle of my lower back tells me i made the right choice when it comes to the piano move
the toast has jam from linghms on it
and the lunch will have lightly toasted corm beef sandwiches swayed that way by the eat a poor mans diet of grain

yesterday i made 7 microwave tubs of mung bean rice and a potato up in the slow cooker oh haw the grains swelled up and with a littl onion and lemon joice wowsers

it is quarte to 10 and i go to dee for half past

simon and i have completed our sessions i think but his knidnes has meant that i got to plan the gifts coaching and also enbaled me to lean his two hand one chord visual of the chords maths fro guitar style playing if the piano practice practice practice then  meaning that i will accept that i have morning paged soon
no walk today

julias suggestions are to do with money this week i am to record every penny in a notebook will record same wbhen i get to wed the 150 poiund for piano moving
i do not have to live my life all in one go at 60 you feel have another good 20 years i ptray it will be over one hundred and functional successful and god bestowed amen

counting is a  necessary prelude to learning creative luxury
says julia

self observation not flagellation she points out
her sermons are infused with such good seasoning

1 natural abundance find five pretty rocks
these will come from a coastal walk i note to myself now
carry in pockets feel them finger them as creative consciousness remindersd i know it sounds hippy dippy but i think it is cool and fits with stone soup thinking well


i just found godincidentally that this is a project in nottingham where izzy pop resides
also this logo of people workoing together is out there too

music hope and laughter cooll

2. natural abundance
5 flowers or leaves press them tiwxt grease proof paper
i wil and frame two i think and put them on the wall before me

3 clear five garments our -i will throw away or give it says so waht do i have i could give to philkip or perhaps to ned or marko

4 bake something well sort of did yeaterday but will do bread would be good

5 send five postcard i have some by lots of different people but an artist date would be good at the tate perhaps or the walker

6 reread the basic principle ok julia you are coming with me today to heswall
and the artist prayer daily so that is something to printout them

7 make new changes in your home i am going to move the printer and also insatll a piano cool

8 any new flow in your life
well dance class next saturday

9 prosperity changes in my finances yes have three projcts costing for presentlycrazy ideas i imagine myself doing? holiday in london also getting a lighter bicycle and bringing the attractive bike into the flat and haging it on the wall?

time for work

Sunday, 26 February 2012

fantastically funny and fabulous

Henry Moore's biro sheep followed by Picasso's goat

 above  models of spokes as core values

calder's wire portraits

Saturday, 25 February 2012

gentle man- sweet heart

just woke up and want to resume what i wrote last night
and put a description of the images so the text and images that commence below were written in the very early depth of the now long gone morning
i the fresh or newly awakened me will resume after the  pictures

yesterday was only about half an hour ago
finding myself  at home but tired
in bed but unable to sleep
my mind wants to talk so
here are the early milk round of the morning pages
the farm has me delighted in its complexity as i juggle with illustration
happiness recognising so many heroes as i work who inform me

any way i got up put the fan heater on plugged this in and
took some photos to add and talk about on this blog

would that the loose drawings i made were uploadable but then we know that
the whole farm will soon be uploaded as a picure map
jimmy rae phoned we were to try out base and stuff but the schedule has changed as indeed it must
it is lent a time for giving things up and i am seeking aprorpraite prayers to speak to God on behalf of the congregation and feeling like perhaps it should be delegated to someone who is ion touch ith the world's needs
dave hedges had given me the resources i will ask that we pray into his stream of initiatives

i will switch off make a cup of warm milk and then
edit these early morning celebration of my me photos and share them with notes blessings for now early morning jim

this board was bought to create an editable tony buzan style mind map
i used it at dee (that is soon to be 'blue moon gallery') to create the iconic red 
wine label by drawing and photographing the ideas and choosing and a little 
editing in photshop

the images above are an attempt to reconcile some thoughts in hope of forming models for 
coaching and to prepare for prayer this morning the first crucific cross sarries the grow moedl of goals reality options and way forward

heavenly goals the reality of god's forgiveness the options to choose to leave worry at the foot of the cross and move on in the way to follow jesu to his heavenly goals through the core values of his heart's transformation of ours

the two bicycle wheels are the balance of two wheels of life love god love neighbour
galations 5.22 lists some spoke core values that are perfectly mirrored in 1.corinthians 13.4
which is beautifully exposed (better word than the cloistered cleverness of exposition that sounds red brick anglican lawyer speak no?

the book then a love worth giving by max lucado points to the dove tailing of these tow passages 

my suggestion that one wheel may be allocated to god's love and out reciprocation is the first commandment the front wheel of out support inflated held up encouraged by these core values of love joy peace kindness faithfulness gentleness patience self control and goodness the next wheel being used in the marriage service might be the core values for our loving our neighbour which includes strangers enemies friends our children our wives all poeple are least of one of these her is how jesus balanced the bike frame  what you do or do not do for the least of one of these you do or do not do for me

 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
 8 Love never fails. 

the one that looks like a tree
is from the intuitive leap from wheel to tree
man wanted to eat of the tree of knowledge and reduced God's organic creation to a mechanism of efficiency for survival using hjis own ?'god'-like
cleverness yet as we keep discovering god's plans are fluid unpredicatbel yet concistent and perfect in a way that point to our celverness and concept of perfecton being human control freak imperfection

the two trees or the two wheeels to choose from provde us with a momocycle or bettter get off the bike and plant an orchard fitness comes from not rolling stones bu from vineyard and orchard of trees of life attendance not trees of knowledge

the fruit is that of being connected grafted in to the rest of humanity with the core value growing from God's deeper root

the final image is the placeing of the sorting model which comes from a book called how to simplify your life i have created an alliterative version of their 4 qudrant method which is 
to deal with the paperwork immediately or file it of give it away or throw it out

 fix file forward or fuel

this transcends office work and puts us back into the garden
and can be used to sort object d'art out say in a garage of broken tools wheels etc 

again four so can be interlaced with goals reality options and way forward
these dovetail two as fixing and goals are us getting on with it
filing is the reality of what needs to be done placed in or scheduled for action learned?

forwarding is the option how to choose to let go of what we do not need old habits must be dropped and forgiveness and self forgiveness and release chosen we seive what who and how we are to decide on the way
 we are on the way when we set real times choose teachers and companions and adopt to adapt and commit to new habits this fuelling by buriying old ways and juking is fuelling when i remove things to forawrd them on in charity shops or fill the bins i am saying let the currrecny of which i am a part flow on through and out i do not try to put the ink back in tha pen and somethings i have written must be burned for my own warmth and benefit those who feel the change ine amen

in wire and in paper picasso and alexander calder play

no cot should be withour a mobile and calder is the spactial mind map we see above our child hood mind these tow child man minds are the way i think and they have a grandad qaulity a shed load of ideas of how to tinker bricolage collage and associate simplify and enjoy form playfully for the inherent properties of the material hence i bought form lady lever gallery on my artists date with my writing course and these artists way invitations to self nurture a book of stickers so i vcan review my writing course notes and make a playful revision of how to write a children;s story procrastiantion it is not prearation for writing for getting into the music of a way of doing this less is more joyfully looking at how a child thinks and the needs it wants meeting emotionally when reading as profound and as deep and similar the writing course says to those of n adult do not underestimatet their humanity

so then white board to wipe can loose some of the paper fuel and simply be of the moment like mu breath and calder and buzan in their mind map and baby mobile invite me to freelyly associatiate as the little units of thought spins and moleicile together as atoms of radiant thought how to write for children meets miro and morning pages as thinks bubbles float like the text in a paul klee or in th modern sherlock holmes asperges

serendipity then

the frame above had been thrown out and i was going to throw this unsatisfactory drawing away then jen said here you could put one of your bright paintings in this and she pointed to the highland cattle image the two made sense of each other i like

i am too tired to add notes to all the imaghes that had thought as i selected to snap them int he night hope to share more in the later morning after sleep did not get the warm milk will do for self in afew hours then night night for now
around me in the little bedroom ofice that is emerging are thes items  above
is a watercolour where i explored the idea of seeing what happens if i am more expressive in colour use and fold along the drawn lines to facet the panels of colour forawrd or back noticing ght inverse reaction of alternate folding permeits a kind of consistent relief origami to occur

on the right is stain glas window form taize community of sta francis perhaps it is in noticeing that the lead and squeezing of varyiing tolerances of pieces cutting that make s a stainded glass window become facetied in its reflective angles

above left a childlike ark i used to creat a crafts project for kids at a summer school in Heswall
and pensby i think and top right my current office 'hi'

above is my favourite idea and picture of reconciliation -regularly forced apart by our mutual sensitivity rosie noteworthy and jim the artist who are both real and fictitiious at the same time projections of a hoped for possibility they are creatures of mind with basis in two human being myself and my friend

once as if married now held apart yet i call theis down one edge 

we have never been apart( an echo of one of dylan's brilliant moments\)
we have always made a whole is along the other side and as you may be able to discern this zig zag surface has a common bed in which the lovers are separate when viewd from their own respective bedsides yet holding hands when viewd head on

this is the videcassete cover design we di a cd one too for the case for and
animation film in my leading had had the student illustrate personal qualites or two opposing words and then reconcile them through metamorphosing the one object to another that they chose to represent these qualities
above is a segement of what has fallen selected in letting thing stay on the new desk before me
the cut out acting seemingly as a tilte is the physical object stencil and if this were my c.v as it was used to create the heading for the application of the job idid not get and perhaps did not reallly want
nevertheless as coaching rather than neortoic recutting of old grooves is not my thing yes to pay dirt not to frued's reamining stuck in the listening goals take us forward on core values so then the c.v on the desk is that of taking my daughter to assisi hence the asssociative st ingatius style cross in the mamnner of the assisi one with sant chira st clare to the right puchased in assisi
listening to home truths with john peel whilst lyin in heaven with my darming on a saturday morning 
inclusive gos my journey through alph life in the spirit gospel journey cursillo roamn catholicism anglicanism urc ism and varius in search of people who beliebve in the transformative power of jesus son of god and we as creatures by an loving author of life though in hopes that they will be inclusive and wall disolving l=kindly aspirational inspirationsal hopefillers not morose routine rut dweallers mane

the samll arlk a want for childhood books a hurt i still carry the councilling minded will enjoy the 'pay dirt' i jsut knwo i loved my parents and they did not know the hopes for books i had

there is a book of tea as my love of zen is something felt to be of God of Jesus of the Holy Spirit's doing and a giraffe from amy's travels i am pleased that both bob and amy the a and b of my hope have a love of travel flavours and other cultures
above is a nice tin nostalgic train platform feel sign of old fashioned guiness advert
and two things my frind john broughall and i enjoy a guinness and it goes well with ice cream not in the bowl together but savoured interlaced bitter drink smooth sweet spoonfiul

it is ent perhaps i will atke john for a guiness as we haven.t doe it for a while it would be a fast perhapsSt clare i suppose both associate with ireland through catholic traditions but do not put a faith in god there anglicanism seems the english equivalent to chess castels kings and bishops
the photograph of the unfinisehed paper mache scultpure i would like to finish this year and put out there in a gallery somewhere next to the scultputre of me standing on nine books fruit of the spirit to go on theri spins i lift babs up to help her reach chrsits star and angel jsu puttin the light on for baby jesus in me

But then we might i might shuffle my thoughts like a pack of card s and shunt my train of thought back and forth in the couplings of cut and paste and resume an idea to suit myself the page is  a collage as are the thought that are available from the pallet my author has provided

So then whilst this was as announced at the commencement of this apartment block of words that seems to commence at the top nevertheless i am going back up to throw light on the picture windows to invite you further into my associative blog of morning journal keeping that gets written at different times about different planting in the thread of my being alive UP i go then back down to here I will insert bold then resume here lower case then

returning things to their functionality

seiving ourselves for the gold we have and then sharing it
some of it is for my own benefit true
i am meant to be grateful
i should be grateful
i am
the negative should and could of virtue trap thinking
yet the opposite is the grumbling never to be realised
always to be less than
not good enough
not okay
disatisfied yes
for me
i is the centre of sin
i am is god's name
creative recreation
the small net book had an inbuilt critic called composition editor
as soon as i write about it it has dissappeared seems it was just a matter of my not looking at the screen
in the background i use an old dirty apple mac to play a copied c.c of mile davies almost blue
and ai seive myself for gold
i shared or sought to share with simon the quadrant of chucking awayness
it is a four spoke wheeel not tntirely the oppposite of the grow model with its goals reality options and way forward
 it is immeditaely deal with by phone action or dynamic use
file for future use
forward or throw away as fertiliser or fuel lord helpt me turn both of these into prayers then my we find your core values from the wealth of bible all things that are lovley like the fruit of the spirit forgiveness and corinthians

may we set oureslves your heavenly goal and involve ourselves in john 10.16 and john 17
may we look at the reality with positive encouragement removing obstacles with mustrad seeds planted strategfically to rid mountailns of dounbt and self criticism may we use the option of passing on burninging the dross as fuel sharing th insght adn acting immediately on the holy spirits encouragements to encourage and feul others may we then find the way forward to the heavenly goals core vlues of hope planted watered and given away as it flows into us may we share it and with grateful hearts be healed in your purposefulness

i have befor eme aa silhouete embossed of tintin and the face of titin tin in a goure shadow embossed the wrods exotic    ordinary are enigman=tically album sleeved for meditation of imaginary contents the course i worked on included the students own envisioned metamorphosis of two emotionally charged objects whilst i felt myself get thrown away burnedt up or was it forwarde or was it planted mustard seed out there i felt hope ful it was you have me walk the plank to walk on the exciting nwater of the unknowon the college had just been a temptorary container of the life spirit thaty i found ways of encouraging and sharing whilst there exemplified by the titin tin books and books about herge i got tht ecollege to buy in

frederick franck to me was a roveing faithfilled detective reporter no wonder simenon and r.h blythe appealed to him and zen that reconciles even repusiates exoticness and celebrated insteade the disregarded ordinary that is exotic and profound

seiving then to reuses or provide purpose for those things not passed on i have a tape recorder and have taken its fat batteries out i will i beleieve find it a lead and plug it into the mains and then i will add its microphone speak affirmations recorda and transfer the recording a symphony for the seneses is how i viewded the fiorst parkgate article and the synaesthesia was my degree seed it was there i beleive in the theatre zen discovery dissertation that reconciled the seeming opposites of east and west a defintion of how far our sin has been removed from us amen

unused things well the piano in keith cath and matts garage i look forward to getting here theses pictures get to go to dee they were never meant to be nesty lining materials and my son is right the money would be better than the hoarding money does have currency it does fow outward and inward too i just have to keep taking part

keep yoiur lampp alive and ypou lord gof
d will he;lp it to be seen

no not you reader we me and you are part of the demonstration of gods love but no i do not believe that god is just a big man

muck too rpofound that that what of the hind quarters whisper quote and like me quotes of the binle ?

well my heart tells me that god is like all his creation personalised anthropo,orphically because our egocentric human viewpoint has didfficulty thinking outside narrow defintions and as man has been placed highest in his own opinion then we end up with our limited and limiting perception of a man made world a big man who made it all no god knew he needed tp crate a mirro we would like rather than being totlally out of reach he became man in jesus and within us a altruistic flow helps us to know a little of his love that is creative and beyouynondth evolution model because mr dawnikns child that you are the linear model denies the simultaneity and maniness and already existent sucheness all your bangs and metamorphosis add up to are at most witness to all already being in place to change and there for not a theory of their creation jsut an acknowledgement of continues trasformation from and alwsyas was existent....

have i found any gold i have found that i am myself a seive and a source of flow fed by food and thought hopes dreams music books

one on the dek tope is you can

write a song

a book for which i have a cassettes woopee if i can find the leade to plug in for this old cassette player i can listen to the cassette and read the book

this bedroom is also a room recycled it was not used and so the two goldfish now have light company and l a little more of company mine and me theirs amen
i will clean them and look after them better too i feel it coming i feel hope and home and song and storywrting stirring my son has curt a music album with tribut to norberg so i have a grand daughter and a son who gives birth to creative ideas born from teamwork and flowing into the stream and swimming with a bass guitar tuned in c how cool it feel and grateul thank you god
he cur out a row of giraffes once so briliantly like a row of people and then unfolded the sheet he makes intuitive leaps beyond mine i embrced the gift by adding smiles amen
i have them photgraphed i really should refotograf and send amen

oh well it may need to be replacement batteries perhaps rechargable ones for the old friend cassette player as i note thst the lead is not maongst the many to be found hoes for oh well

next move is to ask sandy the phonenumber of the removla men as i desire the presence of the piano which like this laptop my enable me to play piano as i still pray thios netbook will help me to do assignement 8

i recall that saved on her already is a first draft that most certainly needs work to get it to 1500 words and have a surprise ending it has core values

a bookshop owner and the survival of independent bookshpops within the kindle and  amazon markety place oh for places like cheshire oaks and borders to exist where the seeming secular enables people to share the shores of undertasning with each other and the flow of craetivity to have sapces for sharing th music of god
s diverse authorship and family love. of mankingd th bigger church of being alive to each other wondrfully hopefully like on e big allotment of outdoor cathedral and bauhuas inclusivity awhere form gives birth to home with self assembly dreams of reeshaped use and transformings of minds and hearts sharing caring pouring through irrigatetd by creative plausibility possibility word streams in books cafes food music and giving

Friday, 24 February 2012


so what to write?
just ate the last of my Chinese leaves
that i cook with onions yoghurt and emmenthal
i put cubed arrote and turnip with it and added tabasco
at lunchtime i had curried parsnip soup followed by a pale maple and sultans  pastry
at linghams it was jolly nice
the other things i have eaten today includes a gold bar at kath keith and matty's house
also some muesli and also some wiegthwatchers bread with oxe

the day satred with my collecting inks around 7 a.m for the hoylake
then my coastal wlk with george and we walked down a lovely dirt
track in a clockwise walk today to avoid having our backs to the traffic much safer
we finished this with a good helping of bootleg style dylan fragments for the white face period
sara and the like our conversation had been about street legal and desire and pat garret overlaps of styling

my work at dee has been fscinating as i juggle with the weeks fishing for photos and doodles and aerial sanps of the coastal farm i am mapping really enjoying get my teeth into the project hope to do a wonderful job
sue has invited me to bring in paintings for the show and also helped me to see the balck line core mountboard is really the best to use

i see on facebook my son who is bassist to the band tribute to norberg has cut an album with them how groovy is that?

tomorrow i will deliver my pictures to dee
and meet jimmy rae to play bass and harmonica new things for 2012 amen

these are my morning pages a little late perhaps as it is now 8 p.m.
george asked if my writing was going well
the flat is feeling cleaner and the morning pages are proceeding and i hope to do some piano practice so my goals are still trying to live up tto the beleief that there are gifts yet to discover

i have certainly enjoyed learning new things from simon and tonight at matty's i saw the piano and now have to phone up a removal firm to get the piano delivered.But no to georges question my writing detective stories and my assignment 8 has not been accomplished as yet .Oh but i am saying the churches prayers on sunday morning and went through some ideas with george this morning

poverty week and so that gets me a list from dave hedges to work with and seek a blessing upon
i long to lift others spirits and my own i have started a dream file i will go and get it and look to juia cameron for suggestions of what to review for these pages
this week the best thing i did was to roll a piece of paper on the floor of the shop at church farm and measure the joh at upton on chester urc

although you know encouraging matty's guitar skills also i feel deserves a mention i really believe he will play very weel as he has started so young also thinking about it the family at heswall i teach painting to is coming on great too
rosy and billy carried on colouring th dress of the measured figure darwing and i am pleased with all of them

endeavours sustained prayers encouragements and hopes and watering of dream seeds i loved listening to dylan at georges this mornign
i thank god for such a hard working stream of consciousness role model

both george and dylan george because he encourages listens sympathises and sustains his endeavours waliking and alpha a and caring as a neighbour and speaking well of others and dylan because he allows change and gets stuck in to the adventure of thiniking singing writing

i said to g that his words are his made instrument and he put me write he uses his voice this is not porty fot the page these are words as music to be imaginatively and differntly plucked and veven changed .

i shared with goerge all kinds of thing s ed kind fixing of the camera problem helping me to get the images i needed for the camera on to the computer and also how i felt i was realing in cha not well i fear thinking tueday a.m may not be for me moody was one word needing deflating another and my own feearing garbage in  garbage out was a serious problem if i believed my cruel thoughtsa pertaining to the grey winter of newspaper headlines

such colour coding also affected my choosing to agree with sue about the mount for the barceloan print

don't do really big prints i agree and the mount to be grighter more cheerfuil but with the defining black core we chose a wood that is lighter chose against black we need to lift peoples spirits

again if you are reading this page it may be worth advising that it will fill up with erros as it gets poured down unedited as an act of uyninhibetes stream of currency like breathing heart pumping thoufghts are flowing currency is meant to just flow so what will the prayers contain well that idea we are meant to be a n outpouriong of the holy spirit of life itself pouring out sharing gigiving what we have to give our cracked self that is how the light gets both in and out too. not so much for others to read ads much as for me to play the tuen of honest activity of being julia advised not only the dream or hope folder but alos to record every penny i sepedn did i write down the pertol no that was yesterday today i recorded what i spent at linghams

it is nice to be without tv without ...
i read a bit more of the shadow of the wind today
it printed out some images for the map

the map is loking interssting a little janet ahlberg i am finding rooting for memory offers more elasticity to the image that copying weither my drawing or a photograph

i am very inspire by the stone soup illutartions for the bedside story book

ali not well no meeting hope she is alright

looking around the flat i am pleased with the world around me freindly to my eyes and heart i love the image i drew with babecue skewers on the floor of the farm shop the chi=unky tanbe ;e with tis daidy oil cloth and the many bowls of olives the stove int he corner and th bottle of wine i love it it is a cool place i managed toadya to do athe church bottom left and am going to put the pub top left like the church mural inclusiveness lets people know how it all fits together i a am a community artist and idea that simon titled good

hopehe is alright too.

i pray for tommy my old friend jeans husband she is gone like allan mackie god has been so wonderful to me i have known some lovely peopl margie beedles called into tdee today and how i rememeber brian building my earlier studio when i was a young dad

oh today sue spoke of the new gallery name being on the new stationary she just needs to get the signs it woill be the blue moon galleyr and ai love that my 60th coincides witht the serendityt of godincidental transformation

someone spoke of how the barcelona image had rised her spirits today nmow isn't that what i have been praying for yes it is amen and thankyou gdi=od we acn only pay forward the crurrency of gifts pouring through our hearts for his abaundance hallelehjuhaha

i want to do this activity


i founf thes fragemetns about floating and graphical but they have jsut arised by accident of typing without watching the screen that will do for this random mind map of hopefulness

amen for now

Thursday, 23 February 2012


the images used below are collected from the internet to visualize some of the qualities prayers for my life inspired by Julia Cameron's invitation to ask for and hope for and visualize the desires of your heart to encourage those things into your life rather like exactly like the intention of the book the secret which froma christian point of view seems to concur with the lovely response by God to Jabez who like Oliver Twist says
Senor i would like some more-more of you that is amen

tasteful sufficiency
how i would like that
only enough

just the right thoughts
lovely amen 

leave it there?

i wish
just for now 
thank you God

Julia Cameron i feel helps me invites me to spend time simply being whichwas was the invitation of zen
not as God 
but of God
nothing but God
Life loving Life
or with a small L
my little life loved into being and feeling it to be so .

i fell asleep before the telly and now will look for a peice of music for matty to play from the stave
and stretch a piece of watercolour paper
Lord i do pray for what i need to do to make a lovely map a clear and cheerful one for the farm amen

plan for tomorrow
Pick up package at 7a.m inks
Walk with George 8.30

10.30 Dee fine arts work on background ground and roads of the map and photograph same

Meet Ali at 12

Matty 5

Walk at 8
Blog at 9
Dee at 10
lunch at 12
Jimmy Rae with Bass /harmonica at 4.

Then look to God again for the prayers for church in the morning.

cup of red bush or chai

How do we ever cope with so many thinks bubbles
bubbling up with or withour caffeine
frozen in the headlights sometimes tis too thought want to subside to let the body off but drive the poor thing on despite an awareness of the panic that sometimes thought fairly rarely at present

i had a million positive things inclusive caring sharing thoughts as i woke up and listened to my morning pages of the mind that have blogged my existence and let me know i am alive more so that my blood or breathing they are full of the words that i learned and learned and drunk deep of with more and more books even stealing money from mum's hidden stash to do so

21  that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, 
that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me. 
22  The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; 
that they may be one, even as we are one; 
23  I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfected into one; 
that the world may know that you sent me, and loved them, even as you loved me. 
24  Father, I desire that they also whom you have given me be with me where I am, that they may see my glory, which you have given me, 
for you loved me before the foundation of the world. 
25  Righteous Father, the world hasn’t known you, but I knew you; 
and these knew that you sent me. 
26  I made known to them your name, and will make it known; 
that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I in them."

a sin that was dealt with kindly by buying me the longes for eden of bird and animal books flavoured by darwinian evolution thoughts theary but driven by that lear franck klee joy of colour creature form and infinite wonder yet similalrity of eyes and legs and being existing joyfully expressively colourfully

the thought when i layt there were not these no they satrrted witha poetic encouragement still working on the issue of blame moods daily mail garbage in garbage outr regular negativity programming that would have a kindly christian friend look at the bible to find some similar flavour of none gospel none good news prophecies of doom and gloom instead of the empowering joy of alpha and others who wept to know they were loved but wept from the joy of release like the secret millionaire i caught a glimpse of as he shared his tears and money through the death of his sisiter many years ago a fundamental need to grieve because of so much love

i lay there hardly awake as yet going through the eric beren christian i bneleive mantra of

i'm ok you're ok that tom harris m.d went on to endorse in a similar book to the games people play

we are more than okay

we are loved and joy is in every sense the chrisitna message empathy is not unreal nor cold surgical and uncaring but it must have should have will willfully have joy it must and i must say so in prayer and deed and action and hoepfulness a prayer may not be the place to share it oh no

i beleive that like when you prayed overheard by john
that it was meant to be heard so let me look now fro waht you said so i do not misquote you with what i hoped you said but with what you diod say translated i.e.

21  that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, 
that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me. 
22  The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; 
that they may be one, even as we are one; 
23  I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfected into one; 
that the world may know that you sent me, and loved them, even as you loved me. 
24  Father, I desire that they also whom you have given me be with me where I am, that they may see my glory, which you have given me, 
for you loved me before the foundation of the world. 
25  Righteous Father, the world hasn’t known you, but I knew you; 
and these knew that you sent me. 
26  I made known to them your name, and will make it known; 
that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I in them."

I beleive that as this is the day of my review i terms of the artyists way that I am as julia suggests to blog unitl i go past my mental page and a half and break through into the revealing new stuff the deeper honest the well of my being and to the serendity of discovered connections and persited in endeavour of hopefulness 
goals for the day well the eimmedaite one is clearly water based a cuppa and then a nice bath that i become current and am poured out currency to be spent fro god's abundant wallet Simon wants me to illustrate the series of images i thought of wolf in sheep's clothing that we are to be wise as serpents and as gentle as doves and persistenly break thgough to the seed gifts yet to discover that you as julia points out have a store of wealth that we may seek reach into ask for trust in rst in beleive in allow ourselves to know a loving generous kindly god whpo loves children we are shee in shepherds clothing and we individually are brought back into his sharing caring loving fold both collectively and indidvidually we all count are all counted we are i am you are more than okay free men

fat three d double helix god you know the back the front the in theout the hollow the twists and turns searching time transformtions shall we say 'moods' ed then?

emmanuel is more than okay 
i know nothing i am from barcelona says one of the emmanuels another sells a big issue and yet all are god amongst ghod within waht we do or do not do for the least of one of these you do for him and i thank you for helping me to take the heart out of the camera that clung to the pictures to pour it out into another vessel so i could get on with my work

yesterday i drew lossely freely but needed the camera that seems to worl okay again now it is debunged
less is more i feel i should do this groject one scribble at a time i am mapping a whole farm ow cool an invitation is that from bread roll and olive to wine bottle to sheep to goat to wooden maize to lavendar maize
to tractor to barrel train 

i will go get julia's questions and i will go get my cuppa tea

if i do not read a newspaper how we i find the news ?
people will tell me
isn't that selfish?
depends on what they tell me that i am supposed to have read
what news have i to share?
well tht it is alright to be like one of these children
what is that i read children's books i seek to learn new things 
i do not say it is too late as if everythingwere to be measured by my ability to d it perfectly

oh what do you know you trurn to other all the time nervous lost and inigibited and dautnetd you are full of yourself 
i must change my companionship if the only joy is in books

there is none in your paper s do you want to paint every morning grey and also what jesus offers as dead dull and stiufyy

i am allowed to be angry at tyour misery if you willingly impart it 

wahy wouldyou you want to be a healer instead you search for gloom and gloom and then the sharing of it oh  help

here is some old news you never knew i bought this book and dozen or so like it to teach from the world is your lobster by adrian henri 

oh my friend who bought me a pint tin birmingham and helped me hang my pictures when the napa belonged to a created set of people and had as much imagination as it had acrylic paint pharisees get in everywhere and expel the children who would come 

any way her is a haiku

autumn haiku

the high-pitched laughter
of girls outside swirls like leaves
on the autumn wind

city park in winter

snowdrops stand up stiff
twilight nurses
round the darkening flowerbeds

what to say or to keep saying what new thing is in me?
well there are the current projects yet it is a special day and the fan heater bathwater and the birds outside are urgent with expensive heat of being alive do something so then projects goals and reaching deep within
so then so much tp schoose to do let me think not that jsut brings stage fright just flow along and bee so then the fingers are dancing and a i am not lookling at the screnn reminding me music practise lookat the music mnot the keys so can i simple wathc the screeen no because i do not yet know where the keys are oh permanently lost and chaotically scattered they are i am concentrating on where they are and loking for the nearest fingers i wonder if i blog enough look and do not lok enough whether soem day i can work without editing yet i know somehow that the blogging needs these sp;lashingds around tese mistakes errors and freedoms tat some jhuour of freedomitself will allow othere liberty

yesterdya whilst eating a very thin expensive pizza i delighted myself by reading that ronald searles monica di in fact recover tfrom her cancer and 40 years later the book of mr mole his drawings for her is in fact a celebratiory volume of his doing what he could it is an encouragement of drawings yet i still beliebe i will also play piano even with this scribbling gift god say yes to me encourager me enables me to believe that music will pour in stero from me yet

so the to 
the artist way

i am to start an image file wel here goes then

a file of dreams five desires

musician/performer writer several instruments piano/violin
holiday home beach reverie matisse klee franck seeings
large kitchen studio garden
wife as  lover healthy fit me wonderful bedroom
journals published with albums of music god's journalism

a wish list a dream file is this a sin?

not according to my understanding of God's love No

grumbling poor me ness 
that may not be sinful but it certainlky doen'st share the good news does it?

no i must endavour to grow in love and outpour hope so i continue 
with the blessings the gratitude the bath is poured out and the birds and fan heater are still singing i think it is warm enought to turn the fan heater off and get another cuppa 
i got on the bed and tore sheets out of holiday brochure files on the wall a photo of the liver bre build and meal around its clock
i included someone being masseges and tree lined mediteranenan coloured water 

i will add drawings an images as they come up to my prayed for gosly abundance and seek to pour out from my home all that should be currency rather than current damned

there is a debussy album somewhere that speaks of music for dreaming aaaaah it is all comming back to me amen

i think too of the blue guitar project of chris rea i will play amd meditates on same too

5 imaginary lives

1a dancer a bass player 
2an internationally accalimed illustartive journal writing 
3abstract and seeing drawing exhibition artist
4a childrens book writer 
5a life coach who makes pictures to encourage others in the course gifts

images of these to go in my dream file dancer bassists writer encourager abstarct exhibitions journalism

if i were twenty
and had money i woyuld travel the world with guitar and paper and pen an write a series of songs and images about the joy of being alive mayall and searle would be a beginning to these thoughts and the depth of dylan and the sensitivity of klee'franck'chagall would inform my visual songs

five adventure 
create song play gigs make albums
island hop greece and learn to play mandolin with illustrated notes and atwercoulrs of the places i woul take sara middhas sketchbook and lears greek drawings with me
three more 

new york and specifically pacen in terris then to assisi

map the u.k prorperly and do a lot of cycling to

65 and had money
5 postponed pleasure

research chagall and follow his life path illustrating and drawing the locations feelings and reflections on the use of his images and locations of them churches theatres and rereading his poverty and seeking to make sense of his life i would also seek to learn languages that would help me with this i have only 5 years until i amm 65 
own a kiln and make figures to fire lots of them romantic only nothing else only klee playfulness franck seeing and matisse /chagal/picasso at his most ellegeant
live in st ives and redo the story of them all asif i were thenm particulalry wallis hepworth and nichiolson heron 

aaah klee though he was never there is more st ives than all of them as is chagall matisse and picasso and searle and janet ahlberg oh well st ives yes and pastys
find the girl of myu dreams arry her and let her know in song and image how it is to truly fly in love with the wind of god in your heart
pacem in terris/assisi

add all these images to the file so need to find stives chagall annd pacem in terris images as a beginning

as there is still alot to do with this i will have my bath and take my the net book to my farm proect place

i love cod liver oil and malt so much i turn the jar upside down and let the last few drips of syrup fill the lid and put my face to it