Monday, 6 February 2012

believing in better

in hoped for
believed in
i have a very beautifully simple book
max velthuijs
frog is frog

he admires and loves the skills of everyone else but finds he is best at being frog

well yes i love the look and idea the sentiment and the truth of it
yet God's sufficeiency also offers abundance
there are gifts like acquired tasters of maturity mountains and valleys to be explored
seeking to understand rather than being understood and rennaissance man and woman
is a reality as is multi tasking to achieve simplicity harmony of parts and the synaesthesia of all the senses
common sense be human be fair slow down and throw things away recycle them deal with the immediate and file what needs a deadline schedule plan place and remove i have browsed a book on simplification and want to take action upon

the world outside is still approximately dark
it sounds slushier yet thawed
the ice that formed as icicles
paradoxically in the rain
to form little skirts on cars has gone
and the running stream on my car window
 is now flowing rather than being an ice photo fossil of itself

thy will be done
i seek the simplicity of a comforting story
yet the gently placed transcended character building obstacles
you have caused to exist as part of my story
i asked that nothing happen twice and all is for ever being renewed

o for sustained friendship and overcoming of hardship
to know that Tom is well
that life is affordable
that i can encourage
and only that amen

so then proactive today it is now quarter to 8 time for my walk
yet i must complete another two pages .

okay goals encouragement assessments affirmations new life remembered hurts removed spin doctored positive loving change of well being
clocks tick bird tweet
taps gently drip fingers carefully root about on these letters the
are for the left hand scale of my words and
are for my right the word right is a good broken chord played by both hands
this is fun i am allowing my fingers eyes and the act of reading to be part of this the part is played by top right then left middle extreme left third finger left hand i.e for the a
r is middle top lefft and t is next to it and played by my first finger left hand althouhg in piano it would be finger 4 with thumb as 5 i think yes so i wonder if i were to say to mtself there are threa semi tones ty and gh and bn then i could say that the ty is played boy both hands i have noticed that my left thumb is silent and the ty is played bu finger 4 of left anf finger one of right as neither thumb takes part oh but looking back there are still spelling errors to real words rather than key board relationships to fingers yet i applaud the sedond finger of my left as it though unseen manges to play the regularly popular aaaa all by itself and only that letter i think

so my mornibng pages have become a typing study sesame street sttle brought tpo gether today by the lettery ahich is played by my i1st finger 2 in piano speak as the thumbs are solent

is what i really have to say a blurt a self criticism about my feared unresourcefulness and my poverty
though that is a concern i am hoping prating to beleive isaiah 55 na d andrew mathews despit my friend johns preference for the misery of the ward to the hope expressed in andrew matthews echoed faithfilled owrd oh hrelp as i care for all yet must listen nout for hope not rebuking despondency but trying to leave a door to God' oepen soemwhere to let vhange into theor corridors and ointo mine oh help amen

so then to go for a walk after a little breakfast amen.

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