in making things
make a picture make music make merry make loveliness

creative ness
a lovely mess
a kitchen with all of it bowls whisks pot pans peelings sprinkling stirrrings
make a cake
oh just shared the vavavoom of childlike creativity
with my friend john
am eating new cerals i like the cold milk the plastic bowl the box chocolate shreddies
the flavours spoon action of pourinf slurping everything about a small bowl of cool crisp flavoursomeness is like the childrens book flavours on my eye
the book i shared is a thames and hudson childrens book and it is a delightful work of artful playfulness
illustrators are professional children and are in many ways better at playing than the children they inspire
like on of these is a treasure in my heart kindly brian who knew how to make the sound desk work by sharing aspects of its toufulness that let the music out in just the right places for our other friend to share the playground of gods music into the evetide childrens minds reassuring them of friendliness and wonderfulness
oh the children's book is called operatioon alphabet and the cereals are called kellogs mini max i would commend the harmony of both experiences eating these cereals and gazine reading enjoying the smell feel of the book box and discovering the flavours on the eye and the tactile nature of unfolding pouring tastin sharing amen to simplicity and thanks be to god.
I thought you were going home to bed, you "Stopout"