Tuesday, 14 February 2012

self nurturing and encouragement a prayer

so then tis valentine's day
last year a heart shaped frying pan eggs
 and films of me frying payers of heart shaped eggs
this year receipt of my old slow cooker back from my valentine
a book called Little Women returned too
and a penguin hot water bottle two chocolates and an egg cosy
we went out to see Daniel Ratcliffe in a horror film called the Woman in Black
the main character was the
film 's director and the location
it had a lot of cliché images Victorian dolls
fast rocking chairs seriously spooky sound effects
and a hero who had to dive into the mire to bring out a corpse to reconcile with its ghostly mother
and the ending had a sixth sense sort of twist danile and his son get reconciled with the dead wife the beginning of the film had informed us about
their is always a clue at the beginning

what are the things ni am to do based on yesterday?
still want to tidy the flat
now want to spend time on creating a booklet of the gifts yet to discover course
noticing i need to make sense of the order of events contants of the five areas and the unfolding in a natural well illustrated way the paperwork

my valentine
turned to me
and said' he hasn't done the paperwork'

Daniel to keep his job and to be able to care for his son
had gone to the manor house on an island that gets cut off each day by the tide
to sort through the papers of the estate of a dead lady
said dead lady had died as a result of stealing legally her sister's child
both her husband herself had died at the hands true mother
of the bereaved spirit of the boy who had drowned

for the core values i have a gentle lion and a list of  core values and a wheel of life and its instructions

i need to create a plant metaphor so the seed goal needs to arise consistantly be picked from the TREE OF LIFE
with a lion heart so the lion will be a little drawing on the side of a tree

i have just spotted this image before me on the wall as part of the french christmas image bonjour tout le monde
( i cannot begin to describe the wonderful work of simon in his garden he says the motivation has come from the encouragement of the coaching oh i do hope so for it is a joy to see such functional creativity at work in a the world of this small family)

the goal seed needs to be sieved as were the core values but this time from sveral sets of goals realted to the clients desires family and other areas simon and i have collected form the literature

so this like picking from a wonderful market stall the fruit not root to be planted

the reality then is the encouragement and love and preaparation for the planting
what have we done
who do we know
what skills do we need and what
waht advice do we need from fellow gardeners on the adjacent alottments what must we change to ensure the success of the plant -goal seed we are going to tend and surrender to the well prpared ground groundwork of affirmations healthy wonderful thought as we dig the ground and add fertiliser removeweeds and stones and ensure the conditions needed for success

options now get a visualisation and an 'i would like' belief and sun kight and showers and cinma treament we see in our mind the wonderful succes we desire we like jesu told us see the prayer as answered we visualise this wonderful result

i like too the story of the mollusc-snail who sets off when the tree has no fruit knowing that there will be

way having seen what must be done and when we get on with it and do the gradening to make our goals and dreams happen like the snail the micromovements begin the appointment get made the materils get purchased the course and journeyys unfold in order with dates kept work schedules and actions taken up  the WAY

viewd as a circle 

at this point the circle around the cross version of the grow model can be seen to go offf at a tangent of wonderful eccentcity as the shoot goes off from the top like jeans sculture away form the neurotic chaos and upwars to new eccentric heights of joy.

yet another story has alos emerged as i thought of this

that of the grubs who climb all over each other succes meaning to them to

get to the top of the competitive rat race

when one who has been climbing with his
girl says no lets go down

he turns into a crysalis
and eventually a butterfly
willing to wait for
god he has been transformed and take
n wing

and  another story of two seeds
one is comfortable in his little husk and knows no life
the other against the advice of the first

who had said if you go out there you

will be trampled on

blown over
meet storms and
blistering heat

saty here were you are safe

no im am going to take the risk
the former dries up in its husk
the other lives
the full adventure of being more fully alive
amen in christ

work and play be the caterpillar and expect God's changes
be the sanil and sustain the nedeavour for Go's fruit'
be the seed that breaks out of the husk

some seeds fell on shallow ground
some seeds fell on fallow ground

i took tow financial risks on two books

one the culture vultures book to records
books and films plays and music and literature
the other a book on adam the gardener
as i want to think meditate look at how to illutrate this gifts of life adventure

will i be invited to dance tonight
am i meant to call
i am going to
church farm

there is a name to conjure with
to make a map
for a quote

lord i pray for all of these seed breaking
advetures into the resources you have given to me

simon is scavenger literate
in a way that John binchpham would like amen

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