Tuesday, 28 February 2012

o izzy pop and amy able

Life is a simmering pot of wonderment
constantly being served up.God's allotment
is shared and stone soup is the garden of Eden's fruit.
We are all waiting for our name to be called for the
class to know we have arrived for the lesson.
The lesson is incomplete without the ingredients we bring to it.
last night late I tried again to make progress with the
tune from the exam book for grade1 piano.
Andante has lots of pencil note from Barbara's encouragements.
i was so simply pleased to get through it with both hands coordinating
I felt i had taken my feet off the bottom of the cauldron and
that my stone self was adding flavour.The gathered stones as
currency from my health hopeful walking.
 Rooting bringing the beach combed memories to life
you have to splash before you can perfect the stroking of the water.
This afternoon Ted's wife Leslie has agreed to my sharing how I cut
and paste uploaded and found youtube clips into the facebook
 pot of sharing and caring and communicating in this secular potentially
 Holy Spirit infused soup .And how to blog morning page thoughts
 to place on facebook and how to link the blogs to facebook
for sharing with the world and so how to listen out for
stone soup parables of unity.
Stone Soup was bought in a children's book called
Usborne illustrated stories at Bedtime
Georgien Overwater has illustrated it Lesley sims has retold it.
retold that is good for when iI searched and i do suggest you google search for your self
there are dances eductional organisations and animations of this story .
A spaceman version,German soldiers oriental classic tale.
it is a Jesus style parable companionable bread and wine
 for seeing sharing the body of the living God.
I think of the two quotes form my friend Dr Frederick franck
'iwould like too thank those that were my teachers and still are'
'i believe in nothing but God' i think of the two church challenging
 john's gospel quotes that my heart has soaked in
'i will be in them my father will be in me and they 
will know perfect unity that they are loved as i am loved'
'i have others who are not of this flock
and they know their author's voice'

What i do or do not do
for the least of one of these
i do or do not do for
 my author Father Dad daddy,

So Andante gets reviewed in its simmering to tell
 whether it needs some salt to meet the
standards of common soupiness or will i fail from not
picking over the mung beans to remove the grit?

beside me are some stones that i have not yet simmered
the others stories and illustration within the bedtime tales they seem familiar but i will look again
a fat book given to me by the staff of Southport college when i nwas made to walk the plank
i must have mutineed bu i was reading a reassuring John Ortberg title at the time
'If you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat.'
Simon Schama's Power of Art
I agree and would repond with the mustard seed nutshell coracle
i cling to the gentlility of playfulness
i stand inEden listening out for my da's voice to call me for his soup serving
nevertheless this is as yet an unread book i should take it out on my next artist's date
a diary from cah bar has on the front of it TEAMWORK
together we can achieve the extrordinary
Les tres riches heures de mrs mole by ronald searle whish i must taste soon excellent book
art's power in the face of cancer faith love and putting into the sup all that one has talent! gift! chasrisma!

and the Culture vultures record book where i can place films books and art and music i must treait lossely and collect everything or perect the ingredients and make it a collection of favourite recipes?

oh and alos some of my cards which come from journals
 agull form st ives when the children were small
a st ives  pen and melt street from when they slept
brighton pier from around amy's graduation time
there are three torquise and sand images
three cards two the same
I will send these as my five postcards to friends
who i would lkie to hear from John and karen alan and janet
arthur muraski claske franck rosie noteworthy

oh and a barcelona image i will send to amy
i started choosing who to send the cards to and came up with the can can needs to go to johnfor he took me to see strip tease in London when i had declared my christian faith and was hanging an exhibition in st martins; in the field in trafalgar square.it sas on it can can not can't can't the power of positive drawing and the pump organ and i can cut in here the jimthaeartist1 youtube clip of these sheets of can can dancers

the stives image i will send to arthur muraski as i was making ceramics and he was a kindly trechnical ssitant when little Rob would go to the ceramics lab with me

the gull is for norma for whilst the children slept so did she as i painted on the beach

claske i will send the front of brighton pier and janet and alan i will send the side view of it
so then the map of my day the stone soup for simmering contains writing 6 cards sharing computer and piano with leslie and a walk i hope as well as perhaps the pictures with babs later on

I will phone her now i think

had to leave a message

yesterday or more specifically last night and late afternoon i felt really unwell
and i am achy having moved a lot of books and a shelf to helpt get the piano in

i left an answer phone message for john too as
i am having the morning off from cha bar
fellowship matter but it has somehow become heavy with me
there was atime when the three musketeers of faith would last of summer wine it
and then things threw it into disarray oh well john will not have me criticise the daily mail and i will have a bath whilst george will be a husband and so would i if i had a girl who loved me too.

saty postive stay encouraged stay hope fuelled i have put the bath water on and i will have porrideg with sultanas and maple syrup so much for fasting the very poor must eat frugally even when they are unwell i pray but do not suffer then but i do rpay and have cooked kitchari and am peacful in christs' love rather nthan virtuous in my own regard just a man but a blessed on self nurturing and trusting in God's heavenly provision

taht porridge is starting to call me as is music perhaps miles davies on this old mac behind me yes thanks be to God i can even play an old casset on the old player as i have bought batteries amen

oh that's nice i am going to the pictures at 7.15
and my lovely one will recommence
  piano lessons every other tuesday with me

miles is blowing mellow to the one computer speaker to my right nd borders bookshop has just drifted into mt soul with its lvely children's books and art music stationary and coffee
oh i moementaruly let myself miss it
how nice it would have been to share with ixxy pop
and i think of tove jansson books moomins and arthur bought hi a nice book there we were afetrall part way to our printmaking at wrexham with hsi careful mono rpits really painting i in reverse
what a wonderful kindly faced friend my mind ahs just jumped to wamr memeories of an exhibtion i had many years ago at theater clwyd oh
the illustartions and relief paper scuptures proper art if you ask me with gardenrs watering their girlfriend throught eh bathroom window whilst she lay in the bath young married blis woinderment

oh wo how lovely is the stone soup of life

pray for God to be part of His rescue plan for the poor amen

so then just filled in the day's planner
must add a walk in perhaps to leslies and to marko's yes
queens avene near bertram that s the place babs once worked

oh well a walk to meols 1.30 i think perhaps phone her and then a walk to markos later for 4
only an hour then at leslies's

it is quarter to ten now and i have piano practice to do and a lttle theory revision too

dave hedges prayer for the poor is that we pray lord to you for those whom hunger is crippling and causing people to die Lord in the face of that these sweet sultans the salt of the prroidge and the adding a little more milk are luxurious
that the babies shoudl taste and be filled with good things izzy pop and amy amen

seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things will be added to it

5 pretty rocks put in my pocket
press 5 leaves
5 flowers
give five garments away
bake something
send five cards
reread basic principles and artists prayer

Basic Principles:
1. Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy.
2. There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life -- including ourselves.
3. When we open ourselves to our creativity, we open ourselves to the creator's creativity within us and our lives.
4. We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.
5. Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.
6. The refusal to be creative is self-will and is counter to our true nature.
7. When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God: good orderly direction.
8. As we open our creative channel to the creator, many gentle but powerful changes are to be expected.
9. It is safe to open ourselves up to greater and greater creativity.
10. Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move toward our dreams, we move toward our divinity.

O Great Creator,

We are gathered together in your name

That we may be of greater service to you

And to our fellows.

We offer ourselves to you as instruments.

We open ourselves to your cereativity in our lives.

We surrender to you our old idea's

We welcome your new and more expansive ideas.

We trust that you will lead us.

We trust that it is safe to follow you.

We know that you created us and that creativity

Is your nature and our own.

We ask you to unfold in our lives

According to your plan, not our low self worth.

Help us to believe that it is not too late

And that we are not too small or too flawed

To be healed~

By you and through each other ~ and made whole.

Help us to love one another,

To nurture each other's unfolding,

To encourage each others growth,

And understand each others fears.

Help us to know we are not alone,

That we are loved and lovable.

Help us to create as an act of worship to you.

~Julia Cameron


reread basic principles and artists prayer

the new changes in my home are the clearing the satirwell and emptying temproarily amy's book shelf from the landing to allow the piano to arrive

yes to freebies well i have this graze box application form from the nat west bank to send off when i write my postcards amen

images for the image file of crazy ideas i would love to do 
mmmm changes in my finances well i am sking for larger units for the murals and marger projects and quoting for half hour guitar for £115 weekly as well as £25 per hour and alos i am quoting for murals at £400 6 foot by 6 foot and dee are holding an exhibition and i am taking risks by sepnding on removal men for piano and framing for barceloan and will send the email to hotels with the watermarked image of the paintingas a print and print some out for dee and also i will take the llanberis pictures to dee fine art s on friday when i go in ealry to cut the shaped mount.

amen bath then pratcice then walk then postcards then post then meaols then marko then rest then car to babs

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