and put a description of the images so the text and images that commence below were written in the very early depth of the now long gone morning
i the fresh or newly awakened me will resume after the pictures
yesterday was only about half an hour ago
finding myself at home but tired
in bed but unable to sleep
my mind wants to talk so
here are the early milk round of the morning pages
the farm has me delighted in its complexity as i juggle with illustration
happiness recognising so many heroes as i work who inform me
any way i got up put the fan heater on plugged this in and
took some photos to add and talk about on this blog
would that the loose drawings i made were uploadable but then we know that
the whole farm will soon be uploaded as a picure map
jimmy rae phoned we were to try out base and stuff but the schedule has changed as indeed it must
it is lent a time for giving things up and i am seeking aprorpraite prayers to speak to God on behalf of the congregation and feeling like perhaps it should be delegated to someone who is ion touch ith the world's needs
dave hedges had given me the resources i will ask that we pray into his stream of initiatives
i will switch off make a cup of warm milk and then
edit these early morning celebration of my me photos and share them with notes blessings for now early morning jim
this board was bought to create an editable tony buzan style mind map
i used it at dee (that is soon to be 'blue moon gallery') to create the iconic red
wine label by drawing and photographing the ideas and choosing and a little
editing in photshop
the images above are an attempt to reconcile some thoughts in hope of forming models for
coaching and to prepare for prayer this morning the first crucific cross sarries the grow moedl of goals reality options and way forward
heavenly goals the reality of god's forgiveness the options to choose to leave worry at the foot of the cross and move on in the way to follow jesu to his heavenly goals through the core values of his heart's transformation of ours
the two bicycle wheels are the balance of two wheels of life love god love neighbour
galations 5.22 lists some spoke core values that are perfectly mirrored in 1.corinthians 13.4
which is beautifully exposed (better word than the cloistered cleverness of exposition that sounds red brick anglican lawyer speak no?
the book then a love worth giving by max lucado points to the dove tailing of these tow passages
my suggestion that one wheel may be allocated to god's love and out reciprocation is the first commandment the front wheel of out support inflated held up encouraged by these core values of love joy peace kindness faithfulness gentleness patience self control and goodness the next wheel being used in the marriage service might be the core values for our loving our neighbour which includes strangers enemies friends our children our wives all poeple are least of one of these her is how jesus balanced the bike frame what you do or do not do for the least of one of these you do or do not do for me
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails.
the one that looks like a tree
is from the intuitive leap from wheel to tree
man wanted to eat of the tree of knowledge and reduced God's organic creation to a mechanism of efficiency for survival using hjis own ?'god'-like
cleverness yet as we keep discovering god's plans are fluid unpredicatbel yet concistent and perfect in a way that point to our celverness and concept of perfecton being human control freak imperfection
the two trees or the two wheeels to choose from provde us with a momocycle or bettter get off the bike and plant an orchard fitness comes from not rolling stones bu from vineyard and orchard of trees of life attendance not trees of knowledge
the fruit is that of being connected grafted in to the rest of humanity with the core value growing from God's deeper root
the final image is the placeing of the sorting model which comes from a book called how to simplify your life i have created an alliterative version of their 4 qudrant method which is
to deal with the paperwork immediately or file it of give it away or throw it out
fix file forward or fuel
this transcends office work and puts us back into the garden
and can be used to sort object d'art out say in a garage of broken tools wheels etc
again four so can be interlaced with goals reality options and way forward
these dovetail two as fixing and goals are us getting on with it
filing is the reality of what needs to be done placed in or scheduled for action learned?
forwarding is the option how to choose to let go of what we do not need old habits must be dropped and forgiveness and self forgiveness and release chosen we seive what who and how we are to decide on the way
we are on the way when we set real times choose teachers and companions and adopt to adapt and commit to new habits this fuelling by buriying old ways and juking is fuelling when i remove things to forawrd them on in charity shops or fill the bins i am saying let the currrecny of which i am a part flow on through and out i do not try to put the ink back in tha pen and somethings i have written must be burned for my own warmth and benefit those who feel the change ine amen
in wire and in paper picasso and alexander calder play
no cot should be withour a mobile and calder is the spactial mind map we see above our child hood mind these tow child man minds are the way i think and they have a grandad qaulity a shed load of ideas of how to tinker bricolage collage and associate simplify and enjoy form playfully for the inherent properties of the material hence i bought form lady lever gallery on my artists date with my writing course and these artists way invitations to self nurture a book of stickers so i vcan review my writing course notes and make a playful revision of how to write a children;s story procrastiantion it is not prearation for writing for getting into the music of a way of doing this less is more joyfully looking at how a child thinks and the needs it wants meeting emotionally when reading as profound and as deep and similar the writing course says to those of n adult do not underestimatet their humanity
so then white board to wipe can loose some of the paper fuel and simply be of the moment like mu breath and calder and buzan in their mind map and baby mobile invite me to freelyly associatiate as the little units of thought spins and moleicile together as atoms of radiant thought how to write for children meets miro and morning pages as thinks bubbles float like the text in a paul klee or in th modern sherlock holmes asperges
serendipity then
the frame above had been thrown out and i was going to throw this unsatisfactory drawing away then jen said here you could put one of your bright paintings in this and she pointed to the highland cattle image the two made sense of each other i like
i am too tired to add notes to all the imaghes that had thought as i selected to snap them int he night hope to share more in the later morning after sleep did not get the warm milk will do for self in afew hours then night night for now
around me in the little bedroom ofice that is emerging are thes items above
is a watercolour where i explored the idea of seeing what happens if i am more expressive in colour use and fold along the drawn lines to facet the panels of colour forawrd or back noticing ght inverse reaction of alternate folding permeits a kind of consistent relief origami to occur
on the right is stain glas window form taize community of sta francis perhaps it is in noticeing that the lead and squeezing of varyiing tolerances of pieces cutting that make s a stainded glass window become facetied in its reflective angles
above left a childlike ark i used to creat a crafts project for kids at a summer school in Heswall
and pensby i think and top right my current office 'hi'
above is my favourite idea and picture of reconciliation -regularly forced apart by our mutual sensitivity rosie noteworthy and jim the artist who are both real and fictitiious at the same time projections of a hoped for possibility they are creatures of mind with basis in two human being myself and my friend
once as if married now held apart yet i call theis down one edge
we have never been apart( an echo of one of dylan's brilliant moments\)
we have always made a whole is along the other side and as you may be able to discern this zig zag surface has a common bed in which the lovers are separate when viewd from their own respective bedsides yet holding hands when viewd head on
this is the videcassete cover design we di a cd one too for the case for and
animation film in my leading had had the student illustrate personal qualites or two opposing words and then reconcile them through metamorphosing the one object to another that they chose to represent these qualities
above is a segement of what has fallen selected in letting thing stay on the new desk before me
the cut out acting seemingly as a tilte is the physical object stencil and if this were my c.v as it was used to create the heading for the application of the job idid not get and perhaps did not reallly want
nevertheless as coaching rather than neortoic recutting of old grooves is not my thing yes to pay dirt not to frued's reamining stuck in the listening goals take us forward on core values so then the c.v on the desk is that of taking my daughter to assisi hence the asssociative st ingatius style cross in the mamnner of the assisi one with sant chira st clare to the right puchased in assisi
listening to home truths with john peel whilst lyin in heaven with my darming on a saturday morning
inclusive gos my journey through alph life in the spirit gospel journey cursillo roamn catholicism anglicanism urc ism and varius in search of people who beliebve in the transformative power of jesus son of god and we as creatures by an loving author of life though in hopes that they will be inclusive and wall disolving l=kindly aspirational inspirationsal hopefillers not morose routine rut dweallers mane
the samll arlk a want for childhood books a hurt i still carry the councilling minded will enjoy the 'pay dirt' i jsut knwo i loved my parents and they did not know the hopes for books i had
there is a book of tea as my love of zen is something felt to be of God of Jesus of the Holy Spirit's doing and a giraffe from amy's travels i am pleased that both bob and amy the a and b of my hope have a love of travel flavours and other cultures
above is a nice tin nostalgic train platform feel sign of old fashioned guiness advert
and two things my frind john broughall and i enjoy a guinness and it goes well with ice cream not in the bowl together but savoured interlaced bitter drink smooth sweet spoonfiul
it is ent perhaps i will atke john for a guiness as we haven.t doe it for a while it would be a fast perhapsSt clare i suppose both associate with ireland through catholic traditions but do not put a faith in god there anglicanism seems the english equivalent to chess castels kings and bishops
the photograph of the unfinisehed paper mache scultpure i would like to finish this year and put out there in a gallery somewhere next to the scultputre of me standing on nine books fruit of the spirit to go on theri spins i lift babs up to help her reach chrsits star and angel jsu puttin the light on for baby jesus in me
But then we might i might shuffle my thoughts like a pack of card s and shunt my train of thought back and forth in the couplings of cut and paste and resume an idea to suit myself the page is a collage as are the thought that are available from the pallet my author has provided
So then whilst this was as announced at the commencement of this apartment block of words that seems to commence at the top nevertheless i am going back up to throw light on the picture windows to invite you further into my associative blog of morning journal keeping that gets written at different times about different planting in the thread of my being alive UP i go then back down to here I will insert bold then resume here lower case then
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