Thursday 21 July 2011

Staying in touchness

In touchness is simple gentle love.
Like when my son sent me two elbow albums for father's day.
I had only glimpsed them a couple of days before at televised Galstonbury
or when my daughter gave me Roald Dahl's tales of Mystery and imagination

Little touchstones of connectedness to things that make sense to them
and enable me to make sense of where they are momentarily at.

 My friend Claske Franck sent a wonderful card with doves and olive branches
drawn by Frederick and reminiscent of Matisse and Picasso
to thank me for a book I sent her 30 years ago called the Tao is Silent.

I recall in How to win friends and influence people
being interested in others interests is the key.

Jesus said what you do or do not do for others you do or do not do for me.

Staying in touchness.Amen

To stay in touch with him pray sing look walk talk
be with listen ,listen with your eyes,heart,all your senses
read Bible related texts like Max Lucado's A love worth giving.
Oh and children's books like John Burninghams-for the feel of the pictures.Amen

There is a melody in children's book illustration
that you can feel in your mind's music.
An in touchness.

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