Sunday 5 February 2012


preface i am uncritical of myself it is ok for me not to put my glasses on
it is ok for me to beleieve that if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing badly
that it is much more important that i express myself that i concern myself at every ,moment with correct spelling and perfection
and i forgive myself not putting my glasses on and not hitting all the right note and my sense of well being is informed by all the loving people i bear witness to people like eric morecombe so here is what i wrote a oment ago to affirm myself encourage my beating heart and sutain my hope in christ jesus amen

i have come through som emotional obsticals
some things have tired me today
i have not found myself wanting
 \i have enjoyed blessings and
have endured trils
everyone has things to deal with
in this i am not unique
unique is the arrangement and character
that is growing in faith in me
i am grateful to God
I took a friend to church
because i felt the weather threatened his well being
i made kept enjoyed my blessed appointment with my son his fiance and my granddaughter
and i thanked Norma my ex wife and current friend for
the blessing we are to each other in our son daughter and our grand child
i am a grateful man
i have downloade images for tomorrows design work and printed out my roughs from saturday
i have seen an RAC mending of the car and intend to be proactive in its continued repair
i am a man who sets goals and sees them through
io have been tense in the past when it came to the sound desk
whilst i did not know i was on duty tonight
nevertheless danny was up to speed and relaxed
he was a friend to me and
all those i care for cared for me
by being supportive positive and
shouldering it all with me and i with them
sucha good relationship and encouragement are we to each other
the bass whilst simplified could still be there with joy inside the tunei made appointment and commitment again to the grade one piano
i will find a way to achieve completion on many projects
i do not expect to achieve just one goal but am working and endeavouring and progressiing on several frionts
with god's help amen

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